How Handwriting Can Improve Your Health

Daimond Simon
Useful Listicles
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2024
Photo by eleni koureas on Unsplash

Writing by hand might seem slow and dull, but it actually has some pretty cool benefits for your brain. Let’s explore how putting pen to paper can boost your memory and learning skills.

What the Research Says

Scientists watched what happens in the brains of college students when they write by hand versus typing. They found that more parts of the brain work together when writing by hand, especially the parts responsible for learning and remembering things. This suggests that writing notes by hand might help you remember stuff better for tests.

Understanding Brain Activity

Brainwaves are like the brain’s electrical patterns. By studying these waves, scientists can see which parts of the brain are working together. When writing by hand, certain brainwaves related to learning and memory get a boost, which could be why handwriting is so good for remembering things.

Insights from a Study

Researchers in Norway had college students write words by hand and type them while wearing caps with sensors to monitor brain activity. They found that handwriting increased connections between different parts of the brain, including those important for memory. This didn’t happen with typing.

Handwriting vs. Typing

Although typing is quicker and easier, handwriting seems to be better for learning and memory. When it comes to taking notes or writing essays, it’s important to consider which method might work best for you. Handwriting might help you remember information, while typing could be faster for getting ideas down.

The Importance of Handwriting

Even though typing is more common in today’s digital world, handwriting shouldn’t be forgotten. Some places are even making laws to ensure students learn cursive. Handwriting is valuable for brain development and is a unique part of being human. It’s essential for tasks like writing grocery lists or love letters.


In conclusion, writing things out by hand isn’t just about putting words on paper. It’s about giving your brain a workout and boosting your memory and learning abilities. So, next time you have the choice, consider picking up a pen instead of typing on a keyboard.

