Imprisoned By Medium and My Crime Was that I Loved YOU

Daimond Simon
Useful Listicles
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2024
Photo by Ron Lach

Here I am, day 5 in Medium’s digital slammer, typing from inside the cyber jail. Why, you ask? Oh, just because I dared to love too hard. Quite the crime, huh?

You might be wondering what am i talking about but bear with me for a sentence or two, after all, That’s the least you can do for someone who’s stuck in this online joint for you!

I got slapped with the digital cuffs so fast, I barely had time to process what hit me. Unfair doesn’t even cover it.

But surprise, surprise — I’m not alone in this cyber cell. There are others here, some even chuckling and asking if it’s my first rodeo as they see the confusion written all over my face.

Now, dear readers, gather ‘round for the cautionary part of my tale.

Medium has these sneaky sins hidden in its virtual rulebook. Follow more than 50 folks in 24 hours, and guess what? You’re in for a timeout. Comment like there’s no tomorrow? Same deal.

So to you who are still roaming freely on medium, you have been warned.

So leave me be now, as I need time to craft my escape plan from this digital cell.

Photo by Caner Cankisi

There you have it, a cautionary tale from the heart of the cyber slammer.

Make use of your freedom while you still can.

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