Hedge Connect — Fully-Managed Blockchain Networking

Daniel Hoffmann
The Hedge Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

We recently announced our new, more focused mission — help developers everywhere build the next generation of blockchain-powered applications. The first step in achieving this was launching our key management and custody product, Hedge Secure. Managing keys remains one of the biggest challenges for the masses and we are continuing to work with customers to reduce the complexities surrounding them. For the next step in achieving our mission, we’re focusing on another critical piece of decentralized infrastructure — networking.

Hedge Connect: Fully-Managed Blockchain Networking

Introducing Hedge Connect: A fully-managed platform for deploying blockchain nodes. With a just a few clicks, users can be up and running with public or private nodes to a variety of protocols including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tezos, EOS, Decred, and more. Connect takes care of storage, load balancing, security, and monitoring in a matter of minutes.

By giving developers an easy, secure way to manage keys and providing them with a fast, secure gateway to use them we’re advancing the industry. The resources necessary to stand up and manage this infrastructure internally is extremely cost prohibitive and by eliminating the complexity of both networks and keys, we can enable a new group of developers and companies to build on these decentralized networks. Pairing our Secure and Connect products allow developers to go from idea to proof-of-concept faster than ever.

A variety of use-cases are a perfect fit for this product pair but one in particular has us really excited — staking. Network participation is quickly becoming a critical piece in the future of decentralized networks and for that to work, it comes down to two pieces:

  1. Secure, readily available keys
  2. Fast, reliable networking

Hedge Secure gives you hardware-backed keys that are available when you need them while Hedge Connect ensures you’re always connected, helping secure the network you are participating in.

Hedge Connect is launching in beta and during it pricing will remain free for a limited amount of customers who sign up. We want to work closely with users to ensure their success and that we are providing the best managed product we can. We invite anyone to sign up and let us know how Hedge Connect can help your project or business.



Daniel Hoffmann
The Hedge Blog

Co-founder @ Hedge — Engineer, Traveler, Technology Enthusiast