The Hacker’s Guide to User Acquisition is now available on Kickstarter

Austen Allred
User Acquisition for Hackers
2 min readMay 11, 2016

It’s been a crazy 24 hours.

A while back Vincent Dignan let me know he was planning on putting together a book and video course around his famous growth hacking presentations. He used a lot of my material in the talks, and wanted to know if I would team up.

Luckily I had been working on my book for years, tweaking the little details mostly as a record for myself for all the stuff that actually works and is easily scalable. We were able to team up.

Yesterday, what was formerly known as “The Hacker’s Guide to User Acquisition” went live on Kickstarter as “Secret Sauce,” and has raised over $16,000 from 230+ backers in less than 24 hours.

This is cool for a couple of reasons: First, it will pay off all of the backtaxes that I owe for Grasswire being torpedoed last-minute while I hadn’t taken a salary in a while, and second, I finally get to share this stuff with the world in completed form.

The book is already hundreds of pages, and there will be 20+ hours of accompanying video content. It will read just like the Press, Twitter and Instagram chapters that have collectively received millions of views online. In short, a no-BS guide that tells you what you actually need to do to get user, traffic, and revenue.

Those that back the book will receive it 1 week after the Kickstarter as funded, and the video course will come out shortly thereafter.

Thank you all so much!



Austen Allred
User Acquisition for Hackers

Co-founder of Lambda School — a CS education that’s free until you’re hired