We’ve acquired the WiFi Tool suite

Ben Fox
User Camp
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2017

If you care about the Microsoft Store, it’s hard to miss Helge Keck — he’s a thoughtful and outspoken developer who’s been building apps for Windows since Windows Phone 7.

For as long as we’ve been developing for the Store, we’ve looked up to Helge’s apps as model citizens: they’re focused, useful, and well-supported.

We also noticed how many high-quality competitors Helge’s WiFi Tool suite has. A niche that attracts multiple serious entrants is one of the checkboxes on our manifesto, so our interest was piqued.

After announcing our first acquisition, we approached Helge to pitch the idea of selling the WiFi Tool suite to User Camp. When the time was right, we struck a deal, and now we’re the proud new owners of WiFi Tool, Network Data, WiFi Survey, and WiFi Live Tile Pro.

Acquiring these titles isn’t something we take lightly — we know how much Helge’s users trust and rely on his apps. But we’re confident we can build on that trust. There’s a lot of opportunity for these apps in the Microsoft Store, and we’re excited to invest in their continued development and support.

As for Helge: he has big plans. Our next blog post will be an interview with him where he’ll share his thoughts about what’s next. Stay tuned.

User Camp is the place for Microsoft Store developers. You should follow us on Twitter.

