
User research resources for beginners and pros

brad dalrymple
User Research
3 min readNov 27, 2017


A survey is a set of questions used to collect topic-specific information from a representative sample of your target audience. Since surveys can be relatively inexpensive, executed quickly, and gather a large set of information, they are used to gather information on a wide-range of topics.

In my experience, the most effective surveys are kept short, stay focused on one topic, and contain a mix of closed- and open-ended questions. If a survey has too many closed-ended questions, you may not gather enough context. If it has too many open-ended questions, your participants may tire and abandon it completely.

A nice way to mix questions is to follow select closed-ended questions with an explanatory, open-ended one. This will allow you to quantify something while gathering important context behind the decision.

For example, when a new feature has launched, we often want to quickly understand user sentiment around it. I find users that have accessed the feature, then ask them to complete a short survey that might have questions such as:

  1. Number Scale Question (quantitative)
    On a scale of 0 (awful) to 10 (awesome), rate your experience using [new feature name].
  2. Open-End Question (qualitative)
    You rated this feature a [answer from previous question] because _____:
  3. Open-End Question (qualitative)
    If you could make one change to this product, what would that change be?

Surveys can be fast and useful, but keep in mind that bias can accidentally slip in very easily, so be as meticulous as possible. Also, consider pairing it with another research method to expound on the data. Surveys are rarely, if ever, the only research method I use to investigate a problem.

  1. Online Surveys
    As always, is a great place to go for great topic introductions. This article has a detailed overview of surveys, including benefits, times to conduct one, and best practices.
  2. Better User Research Through Surveys
    UX Mastery
    A great primer and walkthrough, with a descriptions of different question types and a list of tools.
  3. 28 Tips for Creating Great Qualitative Surveys
    Susan Farrell
    I love this article — tons of useful guidelines to consider when designing a survey.
  4. Recruiting the best possible participants for your research
    brad dalrymple
    Tips on writing a great screener, a specific type of survey used to recruit research participants.
  5. Top 21 Best Online Survey Software and Questionnaire Tools: An Overview
    Erin Gilliam
    A great list of all types of tools you can use to build and execute a survey.
  6. Make Better Surveys
    Jeremy Rosenberg
    I love this presentation. It’s short and incredibly informative, with lots of great tips. This is a must watch.

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