Who’s doing UX research these days?

Erin H. May
User Interviews
2 min readDec 11, 2018


While we love our qual at User Interviews, what we love even more than a set of methods is customer insight in any form we can get it. Recently, we were lucky to have Utsav Kaushish join us to head up analytics—we have a quant! All of the insights please.

Anyway, Utsav’s been dropping quant truth bombs in Slack super regularly since he joined UI, but this one grabbed my attention, and I thought might be interesting to folks interested in the research/UX/product/design landscape too.

The word cloud shows who is launching projects (aka recruiting participants for user research) through the User Interviews platform. No surprise “UX researcher” is number one. From there, all top titles involve either product, designer, UX, or researcher, often in combination.

Note: All titles represented launched multiple projects with us to cut down on noise. Data set includes over 900 projects launched over a 6-month period.

It’s also nice to see a long tail of many other titles including founders, strategists, customer insights professionals, executives, and even some engineers. Prediction: the long tail will grow significantly in the years ahead as UX research becomes an all-hands, team sport that every organization does regularly to build better products and businesses.



Erin H. May
User Interviews

marketer/writer, pro-human/tech/planet, anti-cilantro