5 Unmoderated User Testing Services for Efficient and Insightful Feedback

UX Daily
User Research Hub
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2 min readJun 29, 2023

User testing is a vital component of the design process, enabling designers and developers to gather valuable insights from real users. While moderated user testing can offer the most insight, unmoderated user testing services provide an alternative approach that offers efficiency and convenience. In this article, we will explore five unmoderated user testing services that can help you gather meaningful feedback and iterate on your designs more efficiently.

  1. UserTesting: UserTesting is a popular and widely recognized unmoderated user testing platform. It allows you to define specific tasks and target audiences, and then remotely records participants’ screens and audio as they navigate through your website or application. The platform provides detailed metrics, such as completion rates and time on task, along with participants’ verbal and written feedback, giving you comprehensive insights into user experiences.
  2. UserZoom: UserZoom offers a comprehensive suite of unmoderated user testing tools. With features like remote usability testing, card sorting, and surveys, UserZoom allows you to conduct unmoderated tests that align with your research objectives. The platform provides powerful analytics and visualization capabilities, enabling you to analyze and interpret data effectively.
  3. TryMyUI: TryMyUI is a user testing platform that focuses on providing quick and actionable feedback. It offers unmoderated usability testing with video and audio recordings of participants’ interactions, along with written responses to specific questions. TryMyUI also employs a panel of experienced testers who can provide valuable insights from diverse perspectives.
  4. Validately: Validately is an unmoderated user testing platform that allows you to create and launch studies quickly. With features like click and think-aloud tests, preference tests, and surveys, Validately provides flexibility in gathering feedback. The platform offers video recordings, heatmaps, and task success metrics to help you understand how users interact with your designs.
  5. Userlytics: Userlytics provides an unmoderated user testing solution that includes video and audio recordings, along with comprehensive task completion data. The platform also offers features like screen and webcam recordings, click tracking, and customizable questionnaires. Userlytics enables you to recruit participants based on specific demographics and offers advanced analysis tools to gain deeper insights from the collected data.

By the way, this article is part of our User Research Buyers Guide, see 15 UR recruitment agencies and see 12 UR labs and viewing facilities in the UK

