Teacher — Elisabeth RIBOUCHON

E. S. L. Teacher — Middle School

Users Stories
3 min readDec 10, 2015


1/ Hey Elisabeth, can you tell me more about yourself and your job?

I teach English to 11 to 15 year-olds. I’ve been doing that for about twenty years now. I started using technology in my classroom about ten years ago, feeling it could help kids focus on what I wanted them to study. (It is much quicker to video project the picture you want to use than trust kids to find the good page in the text book and get sorted out with left / right / top / bottom …)

2/ When and in what context of work do you need to give presentations?

I use presentations on a daily basis in my classroom.

3/ When you create presentations, what‘s most important for you? What do you present?

The way I see it, clarity, typed writing (rather than scribbles on the blackboard), pictures to illustrate are very important for the kids.

On a very personal point of view, a lesson or an exercise on a presentation is very handy to copy / paste for the next one … and that is extremely important for me !

I present lessons, exercises, assignments, evaluations and, of course, all the needed documents we are studying.

I first started using Bunkr to make online Diaries (Presentation of the work done in class and homework for the next time). I prepare a “Lesson Plan” on a Bunkr, then copy/paste it in each class’ Online Bunkr Diary — where I can specify dates and other details particular to that class.

In class, I use these Online Diaries :

  • to show the lesson’s programme when the lesson starts
  • to show the kids their homework and they can easily copy it in their paper diaries.
  • to get to the videos or files we are using for the lesson.

The link to each class’ online diaries is copied to the school’s” ENT” (Environnement Numérique de Travail) where absent students, parents and hierarchy can find it too. (So, I only have a link to copy / paste in the ENT and I no longer have to endlessly type my lesson plans and homework there …)

On top of that, I feel it is so much nicer for everybody to go to a Bunkr presentation full of pictures and colours ! (Any Bunkr presentation will always look better than anything you can do directly on an “ENT”.).

4/ How do you use Bunkr? Why do you prefer Bunkr rather than the other presentation tools available?

I have been a PowerPoint nerd for years, but, unfortunately, at school we have the Viewer only and if anything is wrong in my presentation, I have to wait until I go back home to correct it.

Bunkr is available on the school’s computers and, now that I use Bunkr, I can correct anytime, on the spot.

Moreover, it is extremely easy and quick to link videos and documents in a Bunkr presentation.

5/ How and where do you use Bunkr?

Mainly at home on my computer and at school on the school computers. Sometimes on my Tablet.

6/ Which applications do you use at work on a daily basis?

Google Drive, Padlet, Adobe Voice, Adobe Slate, Tellagami

7/ What are some ideas you would like Bunkr to implement in the future?

I have tried to sort out the pictures I used, and erase those I will never use again, but I couldn’t. May be something about sorting out pictures.

At school, sometimes the YouTube videos don’t work from the Bunkr presentations, I have to get out and get them directly from YouTube. I am not sure it is Bunkr’s responsibility, I imagine it is some kind of filter from our school internet system. I mention it though, just in case Bunkr experts might be able to fix that.

