Press Release: Danish startup UserTribe chosen to participate in elite scaleup program

SwiftScale chose UserTribe as one of 9 startups to participate in its global scaleup program out of an application pool of 868.

Rachel Kador
2 min readNov 29, 2018
Casper Henningsen, CEO of UserTribe, pitching to a room of investors at Techspace, London.

COPENHAGEN—For their Autumn 2018 program, the London-based scaleup program SwiftScale identified 868 companies, interviewed 157 founders and chose 48 finalists — of which 9 were invited to participate. Leaders from each company were invited to come to London and pitch their companies to a room of top executives and investors.

The chosen scaleups come from all around the world including the UK, the US and Israel. UserTribe was the only company from the Nordics in this year’s cohort.

“We are delighted to be hand selected by SwiftScale, one of the world’s leading scaleup programs, after a hard assessment round,” said Casper Henningsen, CEO of UserTribe. “This puts us in the same boat as some of the most exciting new companies from around the world, which is a great place to be.”

Bootstrapped since its founding in 2013, Copenhagen-based UserTribe is now seeking Series A investment to help it scale and grow internationally. Acceptance into SwiftScale’s program could not have come at a better time for UserTribe, which opened its first international office in London in fall 2018.

“Now is the right time for us to grow internationally,” said Mr. Henningsen. “After five years of organic growth, we have refined our business model to fit the market and now we can see it’s the right time to expand quickly.”

Watch UserTribe’s pitch from SwiftScale’s executive pitch day.

About UserTribe
Founded in 2013, UserTribe is a full service platform for customer innovation. With UserTribe, companies are able to quickly validate ideas, hypotheses, prototypes, products and services with their customers at every stage of development. UserTribe connects businesses to their customers in any segment, in any language, generating useful insights in as little as 48 hours.

With offices in Copenhagen and London, UserTribe’s international client base includes Maersk, McDonald’s, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays, Deloitte Digital, and many more.

About SwiftScale
Through private events and a dedicated platform, SwiftScale introduces top-level executives to high-quality startups with enterprise-ready products and services that are shaping the future of business.

Read more about this year’s intake here:

