Top Stories published by usevim in 2014

Vinegar.vim: A Lightweight File Browser

Earlier this year I was at a Vim London meetup, and I was saying to Drew Neil that I didn’t think file browsers were idiomatic. I’ve used NERD tree on and off, but sometimes I wonder if just getting used to netrw would be better.

Configuring Vim for SICP

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (PDF: sicp.pdf) is a popular book used as an introduction to computer science. It uses MIT Scheme, and covers concepts that are now mainstream concerns, like concurrent programming, functional programming, and lazy evaluation.

cVim: Vim for Chrome


cVim (GitHub: 1995eaton / chromium-vim, License: MIT) by Jake Eaton is a Chrome extension that makes Chrome behave like…

Ex Mode

Apparently, NeoVim may be removing Ex mode. The NeoVim developers have found supporting Ex mode adds extra code that they’d like to remove.

Why would you care about Ex mode (:help Ex-mode)? It's basically a mode that allows you to enter several : commands, with some slight caveats. To…

Vim Polyglot

If you consider yourself a bit of a polyglot, then managing lots of syntax files can get annoying. For example, I have plugins for CoffeeScript, Markdown, Jade, CSS pre-preprocessors, and Clojure. I think this situation is pretty common for web developers who use Vim. Even though Vim has some pretty…

Use Vinegar with NERDTree

I use Tim Pope’s vinegar.vim, which shows a file list whenever - is pressed. I don't use project drawers anymore, and for some background on why you should check out Oil and vinegar - split windows and the project drawer.

Why Atom Can’t Replace Vim

Why Atom Can’t Replace Vim by Mike Kozlowski discusses why we love Vim:

Vi is fundamentally built on command composability. It favors small, general-purpose commands that can be combined with objects to compose larger commands. By contrast, Emacs and its…

These were the top 10 stories published by usevim in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.