Plugin Roundup: Vim and tmux

Alex R. Young
Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2012

I live inside tmux and Vim, but I’m always interested in discovering new ways to make them work together more efficiently. I noticed that Vitality and vimux were released recently, and both aim to help those of us who use tmux and Vim regularly.


Vitality (GitHub: sjl / vitality.vim, License: MIT/X11) by Steve Losh restores the FocusLost and FocusGained autocommands in iTerm 2.

My favourite part of the project is the Vitality documentation which includes a story about how ridiculous implementing the plugin was through the use of Zork references.


vimux (GitHub: benmills / vimux) by Ben Mills is inspired by tslime.vim, but works a little bit differently. Calling RunVimTmuxCommand will create a 20% tall horizontal pane under the current tmux pane and execute a command in it without leaving Vim. Once the pane has been created, all RunVimTmuxCommand commands will be printed there instead of new panes.

It can also be configured to work as a tslime replacement, where commands are sent to a REPL. Each of vimux’s commands has documentation, and there are map examples based on the author's usage.

