Script Roundup: mlessnau_block_shift, JavaScript Context Coloring
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1 min readNov 28, 2013
mlessnau_block_shift is a small but well-formed plugin for selecting blocks of text and shifting the block up or down.
When in Visual mode, pressing <C-K>
will move the selection up, and <C-j>
will move it down. The corresponding functions are BlockShiftUp
and BlockShiftDown
, so you can rebind them if needed.
JavaScript Context Coloring
JavaScript Context Coloring (GitHub: bigfish / vim-js-context-coloring, License: MIT) is a plugin for JavaScript development. It requires Node, and colourises buffers based on scope.
The author, David Wilhelm, notes that the plugin was inspired by a 2012 talk by Douglas Crockford called Monads and Gonads.