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Takeover Vundle

I saw this issue in the Vundle (GitHub: gmarik/Vundle.vim) repository: Takeover Vundle #608

Please comment below if you’re interested in taking over Vundle.
I’ve not been involved and it’s hurting the project.
If you’re interested in taking the lead…

Neovim: Mac GUI, Rust IDE, and More

There hasn’t been a Neovim update since last year, so I was pleased to see Newsletter #5 — Out of the Box. This edition has some interesting news about embedding Neovim: there’s a Rust IDE called SolidOak that uses an embedded Neovim, and a new Mac OS X GUI for…

No Vim Stack Exchange

It turns out there won’t be a Vim Stack Exchange (see my previous post).

We recently launched an Emacs site, and the Vi/Vim community quickly followed to have a site of their own. The show of support here was nothing short of amazing. It weighed heavily in our…

Get the Vim Stack Exchange Started

There’s an Area 51 proposal to get a vi/Vim Stack Exchange site going. The way this works is enough people have to commit to use it. Right now it’s 45% complete with 91 people who are committed.

Better Encryption in Vim

Using Vim as a password manager seems to be popular, but the built-in encryption options are limited. If you look at :help 'cryptmethod' you'll see options for zip and blowfish, with zip as the default.