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Rim: A Vim-Inspired Editor Written in Rust

Rust, Mozilla Research’s fledgling language, is an interesting choice for developing a text editor. It’s designed to be memory safe, with a Haskell-inspired type system. I’d argue that text editors really need to be reliable and safe, so I immediately…


Kakoune by Maxime Coste is a Vim-inspired editor that focuses on incremental editing using selections:

Neovim: Two Days Left

Neovim’s funding drive is currently at $27,069 (271% of the goal). The 30k stretch goal is to refactor Vim into a reusable library:

$30,000: Refactor the editor into a library. It will require changing the way vim reads input or emits output. More details here…

Why Atom Can’t Replace Vim

Why Atom Can’t Replace Vim by Mike Kozlowski discusses why we love Vim:

Vi is fundamentally built on command composability. It favors small, general-purpose commands that can be combined with objects to compose larger commands. By contrast, Emacs and its…

Atom has a Vim Mode

Atom is a desktop text editor that supports Node and is based on web technology.

Yes, there’s a Vim mode. I haven’t yet had a chance to try it out, but I’ve requested a beta invite. Incidentally, a beta invitation for an open source text editor seems weird to me.


Neovim (GitHub: neovim / neovim) is a project to “aggressively refactor” Vim. Some of the project’s goals are:

  • Migrate to CMake
  • Switch to libuv for I/O
  • Replace the plugin architecture
  • Change how GUIs are handled

HappyEdit: A Vim Remake


HappyEdit is a proposed project to remake Vim using modern web technologies. The project was started by Per Thulin…