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Emacs in Neovim

There’s a pull request on the neovim / neovim project that adds libvterm. This library is a C implementation of a terminal emulator that provides callbacks for drawing, so Thiago de Arruda has hooked into it and displays the output from within Neovim.

Vim or Emacs?

Chris Penner is just starting out with Vim, and he’s written an interesting article about his experiences: Vim Vs. Emacs?. I remember being in the same position, and the reason I stuck with Vim was the reason I could have stuck with Emacs: I didn’t want to waste time learning a platform-specific editor…

Emacs Evil Mode and SLIME

I’ve recently seen people using Vim plugins in just about every editor: Visual Studio, WebStorm, Atom, Sublime, and Emacs. Emacs seem to appeal to a particular type of programmer: experimenters who try out lots of languages only to find Lisp strangely rewarding.

Script Roundup: ingo-library, Evil

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form.


Ingo Karkat has released ingo-library, which contains all of the common autoload functions that he uses with his scripts. In his…