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Vison: JSON Schema Completion

Vison (GitHub: Quramy/vison) by Yosuke Kurami is a plugin for writing JSON schema files. It handles completion for keys and values, and works with downloadable JSON schemas that are intended to be used for auto-completion.

Omni Completion and JavaScript

This week I tried out Visual Studio Code (VSCode), a new editor from Microsoft that has features focused on web development. One of the cool things about it is it brings IntelliSense to JavaScript developers, and it’s cross platform as well — it supports Mac OS X, Linux, and…

Script Roundup: vim-http-client, gulp-vim


vim-http-client (GitHub: aquach/vim-http-client) is a simple HTTP client for Vim. You can specify requests using plain text, and the script will generate a request that is managed by a Python script.

Script Roundup: jdaddy.vim, wildfire.vim


jdaddy.vim (GitHub: tpope / vim-jdaddy, License: MIT) by Tim Pope is a set of useful mappings for working with JSON.



Vimtronner from Carbon Five is an online multiplayer game for learning Vim. It requires Node, and the controls are entirely based around…

Making JavaScript Strings

Vim Stringify

When I was at Vim London on Tuesday, Jack Franklin gave a talk about writing plugins. He said that when you find…