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What is modern Vim?

Drew Neil, the author of Practical Vim and Vimcasts is writing a new book called Modern Vim. Modern Vim is a great title and captures the significance of Vim 8 and Neovim: both of these versions add key features that streamline plugin management and improve the responsiveness of Vim’s UI (even…

Neovim’s Smart UI Protocol

Thiago de Arruda posted about a new UI protocol for Neovim that aims to improve the amount of control native apps have over embedded Neovim:

The smart UI protocol will separate the drawing of window contents and other user interface elements such as…

Neovim.app: Multiple Windows

The Neovim.app project for Mac OS X has recently got multiple window support. It’s starting to feel closer to MacVim, although you’ll still need to build it yourself.

I tried sourcing my .vimrc in it, and it worked pretty well without many changes…

Neovim: Mac GUI, Rust IDE, and More

There hasn’t been a Neovim update since last year, so I was pleased to see Newsletter #5 — Out of the Box. This edition has some interesting news about embedding Neovim: there’s a Rust IDE called SolidOak that uses an embedded Neovim, and a new Mac OS X GUI for…

Neovim: Reviewers Wanted

Eliseo Martínez posted an issue to the Neovim project that called for more reviewers:

Having more people merging code, or trying to cope with PR’s in a more FIFO way, as it’s been suggested in #2056, could help, but, IMO, that’s not the real bottleneck. The…

Emacs in Neovim

There’s a pull request on the neovim / neovim project that adds libvterm. This library is a C implementation of a terminal emulator that provides callbacks for drawing, so Thiago de Arruda has hooked into it and displays the output from within Neovim.

Geoff Greer on NeoVim vs. Vim

Geoff Greer has been writing about Vim and the issues with its codebase, and how NeoVim aims to fix everything. He wrote Floobits for Vim, which is a collaborative editing plugin. During the development of Floobits, Geoff ran into several issues that were caused by Vim’s…