Villustrator and Vivify

Villustrator screenshot

Villustrator (GitHub: bilalq / villustrator) by Bilal Quadri is a web service for generating Vim colour schemes. It…

Configuring Vim for SICP

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (PDF: sicp.pdf) is a popular book used as an introduction to computer science. It uses MIT Scheme, and covers concepts that are now mainstream concerns, like concurrent programming, functional programming, and lazy evaluation.

Script Roundup: Pterosaur, Arrow Key Repurpose


Pterosaur (GitHub: ardagnir / pterosaur, License: AGPL) by James Kolb allows Firefox to use Vim for text inputs. It’s built using Pentadactyl, which is a Vim-inspired add-on.


vim-anywhere by Chris Knadler is a set of scripts that allow you to invoke Vim for anything that lets you input text. That means the next time you’re filling out an annoying web form you can spawn Vim, write your text, then once you save and quit it’ll be inserted into the field.


DidYouMean.vim (GitHub: EinfachToll/DidYouMean, License: MIT) by Daniel Schemala is a small plugin that prompts for the correct filename instead of opening a new file. It’s ideal if you often type a partial filename, press tab, then accidentally open a new file because multiple filenames matched.

Script Roundup: LiteDFM, investigate.vim


LiteDFM (GitHub: bilalq / lite-dfm, License: MIT) by Bilal Quadri is a plugin for quickly removing distractions from Vim. It hides things like line numbers and the status bar.

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