

Alaska’s Summer Clock is Ticking


fireweed field at sunset, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
The sun sets over a meadow of fireweed in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp

Alaska’s short, sweet summer is usually in full swing by the time you really notice it. “Better hurry and enjoy it,” the fireweed says as blooms march up its stem. Another beautiful Alaska summer gone by, marked by fireweed flowers going to seed as salmon runs shift to Coho and start to dwindle. As the saying goes: “when fireweed turns to cotton, summer will soon be forgotten.”

anatomy of fireweed showing progression through summer — seed pods, flowers
Flowers start blooming at the bottom of the stalk. By the time they reach the top, winter is just around the corner (some people say six weeks to the first snow, to be exact) 📷 USFWS/Katrina Liebich

From The Ashes: Flower of Fire

If you’ve visited Kenai National Wildlife Refuge or taken a drive through the Kenai Peninsula recently, you’ll notice a contrast along the blackened scar left by the Swan Lake Fire of 2019: carpets of fireweed, easily visible from the Sterling Highway.

fireweed in Kenai Refuge burn scar
fireweed in the swan lake fire scar
fire weed in the swan lake fire scar
Fireweed blooms in the scar of Alaska’s Swan Lake Fire 📷 USFWS/Katrina Liebich

It’s a show stopper at sunset:

fireweed fires up close at sunset
fireweed up close at sunset
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge fireweed at sunset. 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp
Fireweed field at sunset, Kenai Refuge
fireweed at sunset, kenai refuge
Scorched earth in Kenai National Wildlife Refuge is now in bloom 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp

Succession at work

Fireweed gets its common name in the United States because it’s notoriously associated with fire landscapes. It quickly colonizes disturbed areas, including fire scars, logged land, and oil spills. It was one of the first plants to appear after the catastrophic eruption of Mount St. Helens in Oregon, and it even took over urban burned ground after London was bombed during World War II (in England, one of its common names is “bombweed”).

It disperses by thousands of seeds that fly on little silky tufts each fall, but it also spreads underground through a system of stems called rhizomes. When a fire moves through, the rhizomes usually survive the burn and can quickly grow again the following summer. This underground network can help stabilize burned or logged soil from eroding, and the plants help recycle nutrients back into the earth.

fireweed seedpods blowing seeds
Each fireweed stalk can have 80,000 seeds, helping the plant quickly spread. Flowers are replaced by long cylindrical capsules full of silky fluff that open up at the end of summer, parachuting their attached seeds into the wind 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp
fireweed moving in wind, seed pods
Seed dispersal at work along the Selawik River, Selawik National Wildlife Refuge 📷 USFWS/Katrina Liebich

Fireweed as food

Where there’s fireweed, there’s wildlife. Bears chow on the tender young shoots in June and deer browse the flowery stalks. Moose, caribou, muskrat, and hares also forage on fireweed.

A sitka black tail deer eating fireweed
a brown bear peeking through fireweed at Kodiak Refuge
A Sitka black-tail deer eats a fireweed stalk; a Kodiak brown bear peers through fireweed in August 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp
sitka black tail deer in field of fireweed
Can you spot the Sitka black-tail deer in the field of fireweed? 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp

Fireweed attracts pollinators too, including native bumblebees and various solitary wild bees. It’s the most fed upon species for honeybees kept by Kenai Peninsula beekeepers from Homer to Seward because of its prevalence.

honeybee and fireweed
bumble bee and fireweed
honey bee fireweed
pollinating fly under fireweed
There’s a lot of buzz around fireweed. A diversity of pollinators visit the flowers 📷 USFWS/Katrina Liebich

There are many traditional human uses for all parts of the plant, which is high in Vitamins C and A. Young stems can be boiled and eaten like asparagus, the dried leaves can be made into tea, and the flower nectar can be used in honey, syrup, and jelly. Even the silk seed tufts have been used, as padding or incorporated into weaving. Medicinally, fireweed has been used to treat cuts and boils, and the extract has anti-inflammatory effects. To make your own fireweed jelly, you’ll need about 8 cups of the flowers to boil into juice.

Fireweed Fun Fact

The flower stalks are usually around 2–4 feet high, but can grow up to a monstrous nine feet. On the tundra, fireweed can be tiny.

girl in front of 9 foot tall fireweed
This fireweed measured in at over 9 feet in Anchorage in mid-August 📷 Katrina Liebich

Photo Gallery

Fireweed grows throughout much of Alaska including National Wildlife Refuges. Take a virtual stroll through a few of our favorite fireweed meadows:

fireweed at sunset
Deep magenta colors glow in late evening light 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp
fireweed near Homer AK
fireweed near Homer AK
Fields of fireweed, Kenai Peninsula 📷 USFWS/Katrina Liebich
fox near den in field of fireweed, Kodiak Refuge
A red fox sits at the edge of its den, surrounded by blooming fireweed in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp
kodiak Refuge fireweed
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge fireweed meadow 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp
fireweed on a dewey morning
dew drops on fireweed petal
Morning dew hangs on the edge of the flowers. Look closely — you can see the fireweed flowers reflected in the dew drops! Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge 📷 USFWS/Lisa Hupp

In Alaska we are shared stewards of world renowned natural resources and our nation’s last true wild places. Our hope is that each generation has the opportunity to live with, live from, discover and enjoy the wildness of this awe-inspiring land and the people who love and depend on it.

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