Call me crazy but I think I found

Lisandra Detulio
3 min readJun 19, 2023


“I see myself with you. I’m looking happy”

Through my journeys

She walks towards him, finding him standing outside, by the door, beneath the neon lights. His expression shows pleasant surprise, and he smiles excitedly at her.

As they exchange greetings for the first time, she lightens the mood by jokingly asking about ‘the giraffe’. He playfully admits that he forgot it but would still retrieve it if she likes.

After discussing the two restaurant options, they settle on the one known for its noodles. He holds the door open for her, glancing in the direction.

Standing besides her, he helps her remove her coat, taking a moment to observe her.

She wears dark blue, wide leg denim; off-white knit top, braless; caramel alpaca coat; and black heel boots. Her hair looks straight and she wears little-to-no make-up.

He pulls out the bench for her to sit on and looks over the menu, asking about her preferences. He orders two main dishes, an appetizer, and a sake, and they take turns sharing their meals.

He focuses more on the broth while she indulges in the noodles. They exchange bites, tell stories, and absorb each other’s worlds.

There is a captivating connection as they converse, each listening intently and admiring the other.

After getting the bill, he assists her with her coat, putting it on her and donning his own. He opens the door and offers his arm, and they embark on a stroll through the streets of London.

He exudes happiness, his arms bouncing with each step as their elbows brush against each other.

Leading her to a hidden bar with an air of intrigue, she looks pleasantly surprised. Walking ahead, he guides her to a table near the bar and inquires about her choice of drink. She requests a spritzer. Moments later, he wraps his arm around her waist and tenderly kisses her.

Their chemistry is undeniable, and they find themselves unable to stop kissing.

Almost three-quarters of an hour passes as they continue their affection. Eventually, they sit down on the bench to share more intimacy.

As the bar closes, they search for a place to spend more time together. He initially leads her to a secret bar at the entrance of Chinatown, but it eludes them. She turns around and discovers a hidden door leading to the second floor of a building—the secret bar. He gets her a 'Hugo', and she briefly visits the restroom, laughing and conversing with another woman before returning downstairs.

They sit facing each other. However, soon they find themselves moving closer, unable to resist the allure of their chemistry. They share passionate kisses, leaving her with flushed cheeks and swollen, reddened lips.

After the bar closes, they stroll through the streets, passing a person who compliments her beauty. He becomes infatuated and compliments her as well.

He lifts her, recreating a scene from classic romantic movies, and they share an enchanting kiss.

They decide to stop at Shake Shack, where he orders chicken nuggets and French fries. He feeds her fries as they sit comfortably beside each other, slightly leaning in closer.

Holding hands, they continue their walk through Chinatown and London Square until they reach a quieter road.

Against a wall, he kisses her gently, intensifying their passion.
They whisper intimate words, expressing desires and emotions they had yet to fully grasp.

Among those words: “I want to see you again” and “Let me come with you. We don’t have to do anything; we can just cuddle”. Because she has heard these words before, she remains uncertain.

Reluctantly, they acknowledge the impending goodbye.

They share final kisses, filled with longing and hope for a meeting in the future.



