Recurring signals using ReactiveCocoa (i.e. Repetitive Timers)

How to use ReactiveCocoa to implement ‘repeat every…’ task

Dmitry Seredinov
ReactiveCocoa Way


Sometimes you might want to have repetitive task which needs to be executed, say, every 60 seconds.

Of course, you can use ‘native’ Objective-C tools like

[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:60.0 target:nil selector:@selector(taskToRepeat) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];

But what if you want to use ReactiveCocoa Way to achieve that? Hopefully, you can do that like:

RACSignal *repetitiveEventSignal = [[[RACSignal interval:60] take:1] concat:[RACSignal interval:60]];

After signal created, you can subscribe to `next` events:

[repetitiveEventSignal subscribeNext: ^(NSDate* currentDateTime){
/* … your code here…*/

