Basics of Integrations: Flock and Trello

Flock Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2016

To set context, we’re sure you must’ve heard that Flock has launched its very own App Store. As part of the campaign, we pick up few of the most liked apps and tell you how Flock can buddy up just perfect with them.

We’re quite thrilled about kicking it off and we do it with Trello. So, Trello works with boards; making, editing, assigning of them, you get the drift. A Trello board is a “list of lists, filled with cards, used by you and your team” and we all swear by it. Here’s your go-to tool for all things Project Management.

Today, we tell you all about how Trello app integration works with Flock and how it helps you and your team.

Where do I start?

Now this is how Trello and Flock as a team, can help you manage projects better:

  • Pick a Trello board for which you want to receive activity updates
  • Select the events that the group gets notified of, by the Trello Bot
  • Choose the Flock group that will receive the Trello notifications
  • Pick a name and icon for your Trello Bot. Optional, of course

What’s in store for me?

Big launch in the pipeline? Let’s say one member of the team is working remotely and rest of you who aren’t, just got done with a meeting. You update the activity on the Trello board but that one guy is left out. Emails are slow and not synchronous, and at critical times like these, they just don’t make the cut.

How does receiving real time notifications of any activity on a Trello board, work for you? Well, that’s what integrating the Trello app into Flock will do. Problem=solved.

And for all the discussions on the activity that may ensue, pick them up right within the group.

Sometimes, when you’re working with a large team, it can get difficult to keep track of all the changes on individual cards with several boards and hundreds of cards shuffling around. This integration in Flock helps keep you informed of the activity that’s relevant and current.

Ground Zero

In case you missed it, we wrote about how you can get started with integrating any app to Flock and here’s the list, broken down in pretty simple steps.

We say it a lot, but we love hearing from you. Leave us comments if you’re facing any issues or simply loving the integrations. ;)

