Meet our dExperts

Liz Martynova
Published in
16 min readAug 30, 2018

PRESALE.MARKET has been busy. In just over one week 50 experts joined the project to rate and assess ICOs on our live Alpha testnet Ethereum DApp.

The programme is capped at 100 experts so apply soon.

“We are seeing heightened business risk for investments in the ICO and STO space. The external validation by the experts on the TOKEN platform mitigates those risks. It also promotes best-practice in ICOs.” — Stephan Horvath, Partner at Burj Financial, Dubai.

Check out our coverage about the Expert programme on Irish Tech News!


Paul Scott

Founder | Disruption | Decentralisation | ITO | Advisory

Paul is a seasoned professional in financial markets and emerging-market technologies. He has deep-level FinTech, InsurTech and Big Data eco-system knowledge, including utilisation of leading-edge technologies that underpin the eco-system’s development. His focus for the last 2-years has become the inherent benefits in Blockchain technology and the nascent opportunities this presents for a decentralised global economy. In particular, his experience has extended into cryptocurrency launches, acting as an advisor both formally and informally, and in the construction of Whitepapers and token economics, mechanisms and distribution. Prior to this, his passion for the environment saw Paul developing a green technology business, with a view to matching projects and technology in the eco-system to drive beneficial results in low-impact energy generation. Technology was the underpin, and the related benefits the driver. Paul gained an expert level of understanding of the markets, competition, geographic, macroeconomic and global factors impacting customer experience in his 20-year financial services career, culminating in the position of Group Treasurer & Head of Global Markets for multiple banks. This has given him a highly developed level of Risk-awareness and enable him to become fully proficient in the language of change management.




Arturas Svirskis

ICO Advisor (10 projects experience) | Help with Fundraising | Listing at 30+ Exchangers | OTC Trading

Has deep understanding and experience in Fintech industries like: P2P Lending; ICO marketing and process development; Payment Service Providers and e-currency exchangers; Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Main specializations:

Feels the best in business development and marketing positions.

Business Development and Marketing Management locally or globally;

Project management based on PRINCE2 project management methodology. Certified specialist and consultant (Level: Practitioner)



Yaroslav Belkin

CEO & Founder at Belkin Marketing | Advisor at Auditchain | Advisor at QuickX

“I have decided to support the TOKEN project because I synced with its founder, Fraser Brown, on the key values and this is an amazing idea on how to fight all the bullshit. It was impossible for me not to support it as there is no other alternative in this niche. As an ICObench expert, I was bombarded with all kinds of offers, but I am tired of all the scam and paid-for ratings. We need to have our community back as it is now filled with hype eaters. The true and core community need to do something about all that. And what could be better than to use our beloved technology for it? Decentralize the hell out of rating ICOs and keep blockchain honest!” Read the full article

Yaroslav Belkin established Belkin Marketing as Founder & CEO in 2007. For the next 11+ years, he added 83+ clients and 105+projects for the world’s leading brands under his belt.

With his extensive experience in PR and GR, he chalked another milestone in 2018 with the Cointelegraph team where he worked as Head of Marketing for Cointelegraph events and Chief Marketing Officer at NewsBTC Media Group.

Mr. Belkin focuses exclusively on Digital Marketing and Marketing Strategies with extensive experience in ICO Marketing and PR. As ICO Advisor with a meticulous sense for details, he is well known in major US, European and Asian regions. He is regularly mentioned in crypto news media as one of the top providers of ICO Marketing services.

While he has gained animosity with his no-holds-barred reviews as an ICOBench Expert, Yaros welded close friendships with similar advocates for truth and transparency, Ameer Rosic, Ivan On Tech, and many more stalwarts of the blockchain and crypto community.



Karnika Yashwant

CEO of, Ex-CTO of NewsBTC & Forbes Member.

Karnika E. Yashwant (Mr. KEY) is strategically ensconced amidst ICOs, Media, Rating Sites, and Hedge Funds as the #9 top influencer in the crypto sphere. By dint of brilliance and dedication, he has led marketing campaigns for top Fortune 500 brands. He rubbed elbows with CEOs and founders as the ex-CTO of NewsBTC.

KEY is the Founder and CEO of KEY Difference Media (Top 5 ICO Marketing Agencies of 2018), CIO of Utopian Capital and President of Central Blockchain Authority. He is a member of the prestigious Forbes Agency Council and contributor of articles on current marketing trends. He takes pleasure in 11 years Content Marketing track record, 50+ LinkedIn recommendations and 25000+ Top Tier Global Connections; and 350m+ raised in ICOs.

Mr. KEY is the backbone to 5 of the top 20 ICO marketing agencies, many US (SF/LA) based PR & marketing firms, etc. paving the way for massive “information” and “insights” of what’s coming next. Here is the “secret sauce” to his success: ”I don’t partner with media outlets or influencers, but become PART of their team.” In 2010, KEY was awarded the title “India’s Youngest CEO” and has been making waves since then.




Timo Trippler

ICO ADVISOR | ICO FUNDRAISING | CEO | Board Member | Investment Manager | Risk Manager | ICOBench Expert

Timo Trippler is an ICO Advisor and entrepreneur with FinTech and InsurTech industry background. He is an expert in financial market and risk management with 12 years of experience in financial transactions. He advised various successful ICO projects and manages multiple cryptographic fund portfolios. He has been working in Blockchain field since 2015 and had a large number of various ICOs under his advice (strategic advisory and marketing advisory).

He worked with a lot of ICOs and other projects, such as: Faxport, Welltrado, Inclusivity, Centareum, Place To Rent, Energy Premier, WeiCrowd, Karatbank, Med-O Network, Vegan Nation, USAT, Tokenchanger, Autorize, PaidX, Styxr, Amon.Tech, U Run It and many more.


Paul Mears

Crypto , Angel Investing

Passionate tech, bio and innovation investor with experience of working in a variety of finance and operational roles in UK, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, USA, Canada and Monaco in a range of companies from start up to multinationals including hedge fund, telco, construction, software.

Angel investor with portfolio of Biotech, Med Devices , Apps, Payments and since 2016 active in crypto as an investor and advisor to Initial Coin Offerings including Humaniq, Modex, Varcrypt, Howdoo, Autobay, Jointo.

It staggers me that crowd funders are encouraged by the regulators and the press when you get ‘sophisticated’ investors buying 10 GBP of equity. My experience of crowdfunding has been bad with the regulated companies being very unprofessional. I do not see how it can be in the retail public’s interest to be encouraged to invest equity in startups with a 90% failure rate and probably at least 5 years to exit, yet a token that can be used in a project way faster than 5 years or traded on a secondary exchange can be the devil. It’s nonsense.




John Papadopoulos

Co-owner, Manager, Advisor, Entrepreneur, Strategist

Jan Schets

ICO advisor | CIO | Blockchain Consultant | Early Crypto Investor




Saurabh Dayama

Blockchain Product Mangement at




Reuben Godfrey



Dennis Oosting

Founder at Serendipity Blockchain Solutions | ICO advisor

Decentralization offers the solution for many problems faced in the ICO and STO space. Fraud, paid ICO ratings and expensive ICO listings have put the space in a negative light lately. With the built-in reputation system of the platform, we are able to counter-act these problems and provide a much needed solution in the ICO and STO world.




Natasha Milosevic

Personal Assistant at Serendipity Blockchain & Fintech Solutions



Gaurav Areng Chakraverti

Marketer | Business Owner | Blockchain & ICO Brand Dev. + Marketing Specialist | ICOBench Expert | IDACB Advisor




Maksym Vysochanskiy

CEO of Appsmoment | ICOExpertëπó | Blockchain Advisor


Joseba Sainz de Baranda

Organization and Innovation, FVEM — Biscay Federation of Metal Companies


Gregor Modrzejewski

Entrepreneur | Blockchain | IoT | AI | Startups



Andrew Rosenbaum

ICO specialist — white papers for cryptocurrencies — Financial and Technology content — marketing



Giovanni Casagrande

ICO Advisor, ICOBench Expert & Growth Hacker



Luis Wester

Serial Entrepreneur | ICO advisor | Marketing Expert | Blockchain Author


Opinder Preet Singh

CEO & Founder (ZTips)| ICAI Blockchain Faculty Trainer | Advisor (Streamity) | ICO Expert (ICO Bench) | ETHLend



Dzmitry Murzo

Blockchain & Marketing Consultant | ICO Advisor | Community Manager | Investor | Crypto Enthusiast

Within the framework of Presale.Market project we are developing a platform on which different ICO teams will be able to place all the necessary information about their projects, provide the opportunity to invest in them at the early stage and obtain the evaluation of independent experts (dexperts) as well. I believe this platform will replace existing centralized rating platforms.

Source: Irish Tech News




Qusai Sharef

ICO Advisor | Research and Development | IDACB | Blockchain



Chris Butler

IMMO High1000, CEO URAllowance, CM RunCPA, US MIDEX, US Rep BitWhite




Steven Vermeire

Linking Business & Technology (Fintech/Crypto/AI/..) & Passionate about Growth & Strategic Advice (incl. ICO)


Rumen Slavchov

NetApp Technical Support Team Manager at Sutherland




Tim de Rosen

Stefan Bergsrom

Involved in several global ICOs. Investor, Advisor

Finally, we can see tokenised fundraising where people with brilliant ideas will not need centralized companies, but can still raise untold sums in minutes from regular people making modest contributions from every corner of the earth.


Stephan Horvath

advisor, investor, fintech, blockchain, international marketing


Stephan De Haes

COO at, Networker, _┴rowdfunding Advisor, ICObench rater, Cryptocurrency




Bas Geelen

Strategy Lead at Texne, ICObench Expert, ICO Advisor



Daryl N

Founder | Strategic Marketing | ICO Advisor | Blockchain Advisory Council | Bitnation Ambassador | Domain Investor is going to change the way ICOs are run. It plugs all the holes in the current ICO model and offers better security for all parties involved. We’ve all heard horror stories of ICO advisors and service providers not getting paid once an ICO has ended, without much recourse. I would not be surprised at all if advisors and services providers end up refusing to work on a project unless the project is listed on the I know I, for one, will be adopting this approach in the near future.

Source: Irish Tech News



Sean Brizendine


Juan Otero

Investor | Blockchain Advisor | CEO | Speaker

Jerry Floros

ICO Bench Expert — ICO Advisor & Investor — CEO MoneyDrome Edge Ltd — BBN Times — Crypto & Blockchain — featured author — Aerum — Board Advisor

Alexander Simpson

Executive Connector | Legacy Builder | Growth Expert

Danny Christ

Business Development, Strategy, Execution | MBA | ACTA | Blockchain Uncomplicated

Sergey Sevantsyan — Information-Analytical Rating Agency

Tim Mak

Specialized in STO/ICO | Blockchain advisor | Business accelerator and consulting | Entrepreneur

Quentin Herbrecht

CEO & Co-founder, ABC Corporation | IcoBench Expert | Ico Advisor, IDACB | France manager, Golden Currency

Sanem Avcil

ICO Advisor |Blockchain Expert | Investor | Influencer | Growth Hacker | Developer | Founder

Michele Zilocchi

Crypto Expert, ICO Advisor and Residual Income builder

Krishnendu Chatterjee

Sales & Business Development | Blockchain| CRYPTO Enthusiast| ICO Framework Strategist| Healthcare

Gregor Žvikart

Cofounder and Marketing/Business Advisor @ CEO and Owner @

Shameer Thaha

Business Leader | ICO Advisor | Speaker | Author | AI & Blockchain — Building the biggest blockchain team

Naviin Kapoor

Digitization | Blockchain Expert | Project Management | Business Analysis | Fintech | Business Transformation

Jean-Luc Scherer

Innovation | Startups | Blockchain/ICO/Crypto | Speaker

Jose Villalta

ICO Advisor and Strategist | Blockchain | Program Management | Big Data

Giannis Stathopoulos

Chief Operating Officer at Digital MInds

Ralf Wandmacher

Blockchain Finance

Ramy AlDamati

CyberSecurity Influencer | Solutions Architect | Co-Founder |Blogger Speaker | Blockchain & ICOs Visionary & Trainer

Bogdan Fiedur

Bogdan Fiedur, ICO Advisor, ICOBench Expert, Smart Contract Developer, Full Stack Developer




Liz Martynova

I’m not what has happened to me. I’m what I have done with it.