Can I Enlist After Getting Dropped From OCS?

Candidate Question:

Marine OCS Blog
1 min readJan 26, 2015


Will getting dropped from OCS permanently disqualify me from enlisted service?


No. Every service is always looking for a few good men and women.

You are allowed to enlist, if you really want to, after getting dropped from OCS. However, it’s roughly the equivalent of getting your degree, applying to a white-collar job at some Fortune 500 company’s corporate office, bombing the interview, then applying to be a cashier right along with the 17- and 18-year old high school graduates. If your goal is truly becoming an officer, then you should not be satisfied with an option for a wildly different career path as a “safe plan B.” Almost everyone naturally fits as an officer or enlisted. They are wildly divergent experiences in the military and especially in the Marine Corps.

Also, there’s this.

Future Jarheads: Officer or Enlisted?

Also check out the discussion on Future Jarheads about the two career paths, Officer or Enlisted?

[caption id=”attachment_3951" align=”alignleft” width=”500"]

If standing on yellow footprints at Parris Island is your goal, then make it your single-minded goal

If standing on yellow footprints at Parris Island is your goal, then make it your single-minded goal[/caption]



Marine OCS Blog

Educating and motivating future Marine Corps officers since 2009. Candidate checklist: 1. Read OCS Blog. 2. Be badass at OCS. 3. Become an Officer.