Deal With Distractions Before OCS

Candidate Q:

Marine OCS Blog
2 min readSep 8, 2014


I had a question pertaining to having to maybe pull out of the upcoming OCS class. Is that possible? And would I be able to reapply for the next session?

I was hit with some major news from a family member and health issues and I’m just not sure if I can mentally focus to do the job that needs to be done while I am there.

This issue could potentially lead to a separation or divorce and I just know it will take my mind off what I really need to focus on. Unfortunately there is not enough time to fix this problem before the leave date.

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If you have serious family issues or distractions, you need to pull out of the upcoming OCS. You can always work with your OSO to get delayed to a later date and reapply then. You are going to need 100% mental focus at OCS. Any distractions, other fears, and unresolved issues outside OCS will simultaneously hamper your focus, and be completely out of the realm of communication. You will not be able to deal with anything else at all. There is no email, no phones, only delayed letter service, and you cannot manage significant life issues once you report to OCS.

We strongly advise you to hold off on attending OCS and get all your other affairs in order first.



Marine OCS Blog

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