Test Your Physical Fitness With This PFT Benchmark Workout

Marine OCS Blog
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2018

Thanks to Candidate X who graduated in the summer of 2016 for this benchmark PFT workout.

“There was a MARSOC Captain I met after graduating OCS and he took my OSS through, what he called, a good Benchmark PFT. I would have to agree. It’s very simple, but the cumulative loading effect is what makes this difficult.”

Benchmark PFT

  1. 5 pull-ups (kip when you can no longer do a correct USMC pull-up)
  2. 10 push-ups
  3. 15 air squats
  4. You continue the circuit for 20 minutes, with no rest periods.

The MARSOC Captain got 26 complete circuits for a benchmark. Personally, I got 21.

Need a PFT/CFT Calculator? Check out ICorps! Or, check the current PFT scoring and standards here

Ready! Exercise!



Marine OCS Blog

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