Vice-chancellors’ emails sent in relation to #UCUStrikesBack

A collection of emails sent by vice-chancellors (and/or other members of university senior management teams) in relation to the UCU strike of November and December 2019 (#UCUstrikesback)

5 min readNov 17, 2019


Compiled by the USSbriefs Team*

* This is a living document. If you know of other senior management team emails/FAQ pages relating to the 2019 strike, or spot any errors, please contact us at Please note that an entry without a hyperlink means that we have received that document, but not yet de-identified and uploaded it.

Last updated: Thursday 12 December 2019, 01:00 GMT

Bangor University

08 Oct: Director of HR
19 Nov: To Students
20 and 22 Nov: HR to Staff
11 Dec: Director of HR to Staff re: strike deductions

Bath, University of

11 Nov: VC to Staff
21 Nov: VC to Students
22 Nov: VC to Staff
09 Dec: Strike deductions

Birmingham, University of

15 Nov: Provost & VP to Staff
21 Nov: VC to Staff [on Dubai campus]
22 Nov: Provost & VP to Staff
22 Nov: PVC to Students

Bournemouth University

13 Nov: Chief Operating Officer to Staff
Nov: Policy on Withholding Pay
22 Nov: Chief Operating Officer regarding strike deductions
25 Nov: Webpage for students
29 Nov: VC Open Letter

Bradford, University of

05 Dec: HR to Staff

Bristol, University of

21 Nov: VC to Staff
21 Nov: VC video

Cambridge, University of

25 Nov: VC to Staff
29 Nov: Pay deductions

Cardiff, University of

VC to Students
22 Nov: VC to Students

City, University of London

06 Nov: VC
14 Nov: President to Students
15 Nov: Director of Human Resources
21 Nov: President to Staff
21 Nov: Dean to Students
21 Nov: Deputy Dean

Courtauld Institute of Art

22 Nov: Interim HR Director to Staff

Dundee, University of

21 Nov: Director of HR to Staff

Durham University

15 Oct: VC, Chief Financial Officer and Director of HR to Staff
06 Nov: VC to Staff
06 Nov: VC to Students
21 Nov: VC to Staff
Strike action FAQ (includes information on pay deduction)

East Anglia, University of

11 Nov: Director of People & Culture to Staff
20 Nov: VC, includes FAQ for students

Edge Hill University

19 Nov and 2 Dec: From VC and HR Director to Staff

Edinburgh, University of

06 Nov: Director of HR to Staff
21 Nov: Director of HR to Staff
22 Nov: VC to Staff

Essex, University of

15 Nov: Director of HR to Staff
21 Nov: Director of HR to Staff re: strike deductions

Exeter, University of

06 Nov: VC to Staff
19 Nov: HR to Staff

Glasgow, University of

05 Nov: ‘Outcome of Industrial Ballots’ on MyGlasgow News
06 Nov: COO to Students
12 Nov: Director of HR to Staff
22 Nov: Industrial action update with UCU-University joint statement

Glasgow Caledonian University

22 Nov: HR regarding strike deductions

Goldsmiths, University of London

15 Nov: Warden to Staff
22 Nov: Immigration Advisory Service to Students
Dec: Strike deduction

Heriot-Watt University

07 Nov: Principal to Staff
19 Nov: Human Resources
22 Nov: VP/Deputy VC to Staff
09 Dec: HR to Staff

Institute of Development Studies

15 Nov: To Staff & Students
15 Nov: Strike Q&A

Kent, University of

01 Nov: To Staff
13 Nov: VC Monthly Update
18 Nov: To Staff
18 Nov: To Students

King’s College London

01 Nov: Principal to Staff

Lancaster University

21 Nov: HR Director to Staff

Leeds, University of

18 Nov: HR Director email to Staff
18 Nov: HR Director to Staff
18 Nov: DVC to Staff

Leicester, University of

13 Nov: Director of HR
22 Nov: VC to Staff
08 Dec: VC to Staff

Liverpool, University of

22 Nov: Interim Director of HR to Staff
22 Nov: PVC to Students

Liverpool Hope University

18 Nov: Deputy VC to Staff
Industrial action FAQ for students

Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts

Nov: CEO to Staff

Loughborough University

13 Nov: VC to Staff
05 Dec: VC to Staff
09 Dec: Loughborough UCU to members

Manchester, University of

06 Nov: Director of HR
21 Nov: Director of HR on Intranet
Nov: Dean of Humanities to Staff

Newcastle University

04 Nov: VC to Staff
15 Nov: To Students
20 Nov: VC to Staff
21 Nov: Acting Academic Registrar to Students
25 Nov: Acting Academic Registrar to Students
06 Dec: VC to Staff

Nottingham, University of

15 Nov: Director of HR to Staff

Oxford, University of

13 Nov: PVC to Staff
13 Nov: PVC to Students
22 Nov: Registar to all departmental heads and administrators
22 Nov: Faculty Head

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

18 Nov: Acting Director HR to Staff
22 Nov: Deputy Principal to Students

Queen Mary, University of London

01 Nov: Principal to Staff
08 Nov: Principal to Staff
11 Nov: Principal to Students
15 Nov: Principal to Staff
20 Nov: Interim Director of HR to Staff

Queen’s University Belfast

07 Nov: President & VC

Reading, University of

06: VC to Staff
14 Nov: HR Director to Staff

Royal Holloway, University of London

08 Nov: Principal to Staff
08 Nov: Principal to Students
18 Nov: Interim Director of HR to Staff
29 Nov: Principal to Staff

Sheffield, University of

06 Nov: President & VC to Staff
19 Nov: President & VC to Staff
21 Nov: Deputy Director of HR to Staff
‘The latest information about the industrial action’ page, includes VC Koen Lamberts’ letters to UCEA and UUK dated 26 Nov 2019

Sheffield Hallam University

20 Nov: VC to Staff

Southampton, University of

18 Nov: VC to Staff
FAQs for Staff [last updated 21 Nov]
21 Nov: VC to Staff
29 Nov (?): Pay deductions
03 Dec: Southampton UCU and Director of HR re: strike deductions
Nov: ASOS guidance
Dec: FAQ excerpt on ASOS

St Andrews, University of

06 Nov: VC

Stirling, University of

13 Nov: Principal & VC
20 Nov or prior: Director of HR to Staff

Strathclyde, University of

08 Nov: Principal & VC to Staff
08 Nov: Principal & VC to Students
04 Dec: Principal & VC to Staff

Sussex, University of

05 Nov: To Staff
05 Nov: To Students
15–19 Nov: Heads of Schools to Students
21 Nov: VC to Staff
21 Nov: PVC to Students
21 Nov: PVC to Staff
HR Guidance [as of 22 Nov]
22 Nov: HR to Staff
29 Nov: ‘This is Sussex’ update

University College London

13 Nov: Director of HR to Staff

Warwick, University of

12 Nov: VC blog
19 Nov: University News

York, University of

01 Nov: VC to Staff
01 Nov: VC to Students
15 Nov: VC to Students
20 Nov: HR to Staff
22 Nov: VC to Staff
29 Nov: HR to Staff
05 Dec: Message from the VC and the Joint Presidents of the York UCU
09 Dec: HR to Staff

The compilers believe all information to be reliable and accurate; if any errors are found please contact us so that we can correct them. This post is licensed under a Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication License.




A set of papers written by University Staff and Students, on University Staff and Students, for University Staff and Students.