The Philippines is the Most Gay-Friendly Country in Asia, and Let Me Tell You Why

The Philippines is the most gay-friendly country in Asia and let me tell you why.

Filipinos are very open. Several Filipino movies and shows have found the importance of including well-represented roles that tackle the lives of LGBTQ+ members to exhibit diversity and open-mindedness. In this way, they won’t just garner a high percentage of sales, numerous awards, and high ratings, but a new actor or actress to interview with the question, “What was it like to kiss a man/woman?”, so your favorite local showbiz show can finally rise to the occasion. Yup! You’ve heard it right! It is only in the Philippines that we can see LGBTQ+ roles being played by actors and actresses who may or may not be allies but are still not actual members of the LGBTQ+ community. But, that’s okay, right? Because at least they’re represented.

You find the storyline dull and boring? Alright, let’s sprinkle a dash of comedy by featuring a gay friend who struggles to find true love and believes that Piolo Pascual is THE ONE, with or without the muscles. You have a damsel in distress in the quest for love? Nice, let me include a gay sidekick who’ll take her home after another long night of drinking while constantly reminding her how to find Mr. Right. What is even more ironic is that, when the time comes that proper recognition and acknowledgment are needed, these characters and the actors who have played these roles are set aside for the main characters to come through. They’ve become nothing but mere decorations and details for a story: a misrepresentation of representation; and a glimpse of anything but the truth. Similar to the movies and shows that have placed them in the corner of the spotlight, they, too, remain enclosed in a cage, waiting for the next show to give them a break. But who cares right? The Philippines is after all, the most gay-friendly country in Asia.

Filipinos are very generous. In your typical circle of friends, some have seen it as a major requirement to have at least 1 or 2 (if you’re feeling generous) LGBTQ+ members as part of their so-called “clique”. It does not matter whether he or she gets bullied by the same circle of friends that you have, as long as people can see, “Recess with bhie! ❤’, in your timeline. Not only will this boost your popularity as an ally of their community but it will also give you an opportunity to gain more friends while still giving shelter to your gay buddies like they’re some sort of charity cases. But it’s okay! Because these gay friends have provided you with the same amount of entertainment that one has chosen to seek in comedy bars. No wonder you laugh so often when you are with them because for you, they’re nothing but an outlet of joy. It’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?

In some instances, we’ll also hear more loving words from others. “Bakla ka ba?”, “Ay ano ba ‘yan ang lambot naman kumilos.”, “Bading!”, “Mas matigas ka pa umasta sa tatay ko, ah!”, “Hala! Tibo!”, like being a member of the LGBTQ+ community is disgusting or is some kind of disease (SORRY, IT AIN’T COVID-19). But, it’s okay! This is just how Filipinos talk, right? There is nothing derogative or disrespectful about this since it’s part of their lingo, huh? This is how we’ve been taught to speak, using these words to hurt others and showing how we’ve been raised in a conservative (homophobic) environment. This is normal and the more that the LGBTQ+ community says that it’s not, the more we put them into the sinkhole and call them worse. But who cares right? The Philippines is, after all, the most gay-friendly country in Asia.

You wanna hear the hard truth? The Philippines is NOT the most gay-friendly country in Asia. Not when the same members of the community continue to be degraded, neglected, and ignored for their pleas and cries, seeing them as demanding citizens of the country while enabling homophobic comments. Not when these members who wish for equality and justice from the government and its people have pushed aside together with the SOGIE bill, all the while passing laws that honor dictators. And NOT when a murderer who has failed to recognize and respect a member of the community as a human being and has labeled her as “It” has been set free, clearly degrading the rest of the trans community.

Yeah, The Philippines is very open and generous. But not to the LGBTQ+ community. Instead, they are open and generous to murderers, who just like many citizens out there, have viewed the LGBTQ+ members as nothing but people with gender issues. Hey, it’s just a phase, right? As US Marine Joseph Scott Pemberton walks away from the injustice system that has granted him “absolute pardon”, the Philippines, too, has chosen to walk away from its own people. Meanwhile, Jennifer Laude as well as other members of the LGBTQ+ community remain chained to the depths of discrimination and oppression that this country has long forced upon them. But for others, they will continue to fight against an unspeakable battle between the Filipino people and the president’s incredibly poor choices.






UST College of Science Journal
UST College of Science Journal

The official student publication of the University of Santo Tomas College of Science