

Ya Chieh Hsu
2 min readJun 3, 2018


Kowtowing before officials in Guangzhou, China, pre-1889. Via Hong Kong Free Press; the headline on the story reads “It’s time to stop the shameful kowtowing to China — before it’s too late.”

隨著其在國際經濟事務的影響力不斷增強,中國正利用經濟實力對外國公司實施「一個中國原則」。由於受到罰款或是在中國面臨停業等威脅,越來越多的跨國公司,在旗下的網站或手機軟體中,用各種形式(如「Taiwan, China」)把台灣列為中國的一部分。




Dear Sir or Madam,

We were recently made aware that on [問題網站或軟體] you have listed Taiwan as a province of, or belonging to China (PRC). This is incorrect. Despite misinformation from the unelected and authoritarian government in Beijing, neither international law, nor the United States, recognizes China’s claim on Taiwan.


In fact, official U.S. Government guidance is only the name “Taiwan” should be used. This policy includes documents such as passports, visas, green cards, and others. For more about the history of Taiwan’s status, see “Seeking Truth from Facts: Challenging the People’s Republic of China’s Territorial Claims over Taiwan”.


The identification of Taipei as “China” rather than as “Taiwan” may seem like playing with words, but it is a serious disservice to air travellers. Some customers may mistakenly believe that they need to apply to the Chinese embassy for a visa to travel to Taiwan. Considering many countries have a reciprocal visa-waiver with Taiwan and Taiwan has never been governed by the People’s Republic of China, it’s complete misinformation to classify Taiwan as belonging to China.

Showing Taiwan as part of China also denies the human rights and the right to self-determination for the 23 million people of Taiwan, who have established a democracy that is a shining example in Asia. These rights are enshrined in the United Nations Charter, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

We realize that the current information you have incorrect is likely due to an oversight, so we look forward to a correction as soon as possible. We would greatly appreciate the courtesy of a reply when the misinformation is corrected.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.



