Tracking & Understanding The 4 Phases of your Cycle to Maximize Your Energy

UTI Research, Innovation and Progress
4 min readFeb 25, 2020

Female bodies are cyclic by nature, so learning how to relax and obey your body’s needs can be beneficial. You can take time to understand the phases of your cycle to help support your body instead of working against it. And it can also be rewarding your body because it’ll get the energy it needs to push throughout the month. Similarly, during menstruation, your physical changes may not harmonize with your emotional feelings, and the activities you perform at this time are closely linked to one of the four different phases. So, understanding how to plan your day according to these phases can be fulfilling.

Learn the Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

There are four phases within your menstrual cycle, and each requires a unique approach. You may need to understand how to cooperate with each phase. The first phase is the menstruation phase, which involves the release of progesterone hormone that causes your periods. Usually, the duration of menstruation lasts for three to seven days. Around this period, your energy levels are deficient and all you want to do is rest and then rest. However, you may not have the whole day to rest, so taking breaks in between tasks and avoiding environments with so much noise or distractions can be rewarding. You can also prepare this time in advance by clearing all big social events that can drain you and instead replace them with more quiet and calming activities like doing your journal or meditating.

The Follicle is the second phase of your cycle and it entails the release of FSH-Follicle Stimulating Hormone from the pituitary gland. At this phase, there is a high secretion of testosterone and estrogen hormones, and your energy levels are significantly improved which in turn boosts your brain functions. This is the best time to participate in big social events and take up more challenging tasks. The third phase is the ovulation phase, which involves the release of an egg from the Follicle to the ovaries. And around this time, your sex hormones are the highest levels that boost your self-esteem. To honor this phase, engage in heavy physical activities and other social events that require more energy and confidence.

The fourth and last phase is the Luteal, which is characterized by the decline of your sex hormones — estrogen and testosterone. Instead, your body produces anti-anxiety hormones like progesterone. This phase may feel similar to the ovulation phase, and some women may suffer from headaches, cravings, anxiety, and breast tenderness. This is the time you need to spend more time with yourself and relax, take a massage, meditate, or take supplements to curb anxiety. The best way to work hand in hand with your body is by understanding your menstrual cycle. Tracking can help you know why you feel the way you do during different days of your periods. And it enables you to adjust and respond to your body accordingly.

Work with Your Body

Sometimes many women wonder why they experience more inward times for almost half a month. But the truth is that the menstrual and luteal times are characterized by inward traits, which have no harm to their bodies. And it can be the best time to focus on your chores and any other planned tasks. It’s also the best time to prepare for the upcoming projects, brainstorm, and work on your to-do list. Therefore, instead of struggling with your body with what it can or cannot do at certain times, learn to ‘listen’ to what it needs at different phases of your cycle and work together.

Additionally, knowing the four phases can help you treat your body right by allowing it to relax when it should and engage in heavy tasks when the energies are at the highest levels. And if you’re not sure how to do it, tracking your periods can help. If you monitor your cycle consistently, you’ll have the ability to understand what you feel at different times of the month. It can also help you organize your tasks properly. For instance, if with time, you realize that maybe day ten is characterized by massive energy and confidence, you can adjust your schedule and allocate heavy tasks and activities to the same day.

How better or worsen you run your day links to these the four phases of your cycle. So, understanding your menstruation cycle and your body as a whole can be beneficial. It can help you organize your daily life better by selecting activities according to the current phase of your cycle. Above all, it helps you cooperate with your body for both mental and physical wellbeing.



UTI Research, Innovation and Progress

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