Uqora Conducting Clinical Trials to Advance Research on Proactive Urinary Tract Health and UTIs — Cascade Business News

UTI Research, Innovation and Progress
5 min readJan 16, 2020

Uqora recently announced its partnership with Hawthorne Effect, a third-party research group, to conduct clinical trials. Uqora is a San Diego based health, and wellness company whose goal is to improve and advance the understanding of urinary tract health. The aim of this study is to conduct clinical trials that will focus on measuring the effectiveness of Uqora’s dietary supplements in reducing the recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs). The clinical trials will be part of a study that aims to expand the body of research on urinary tract infections.

Uqora’s goal is to improve urinary system health primarily by preventing the recurrence of UTIs. Dedicated to tackling urinary health in a new way, the company is built in collaboration with experienced physicians and urologists.

UTIs are infections that affect any part of the urinary system including kidneys and ureters, as well as the bladder and urethra that are part of the lower urinary tract, which is also affected the most. UTIs are among the most common types of infections in the United States, with women being at greater risk of developing them than men. Of the millions of women that are affected with UTIs, many suffer from recurring infections through no fault of their own. Doctors typically treat UTIs with antibiotics. This, however, is not ideal as the consensus among both the medical community as well as those who are affected is that overuse of antibiotics — that may happen in the case of recurring episodes — results in damaging and debilitating side effects.

Despite the potentially damaging side effects of antibiotics, they remain the most recommended line of preventative treatment, along with cranberry juice and hydration that has been shown to have little impact on recurrence rates. Uqora is a uniquely designed supplement that uses science-backed ingredients that do not include cranberries or antibiotics. As such, the announced collaboration between Uqora and Hawthorne Effect seeks to research Uqora’s impact on the frequency of UTIs among women who have a history of regular recurrent infection episodes.

Study Hypothesis

The basic premise of this study is to investigate the effect of Uqora supplements on UTI frequency among women who are prone to suffering from them frequently and to build scientific evidence to aid in the prevention of these infections. It is hypothesized that the use of Uqora products on a regular basis will prevent infections and as such will result in less frequent UTIs. However, the details of the regimen and the most optimal combination of the supplements have yet to be highlighted. The findings may indicate that Uqora’s drink mix alone is enough to dramatically decrease UTI frequency. Alternatively, the results may point to the fact that a combination of Uqora capsules and the drink mix have the most profound impact on reducing UTI recurrence frequency.

The Methodology of the Study

The study started on August 16, 2019. It is an observational study that has recruited approximately 360 volunteer participants to date, although study enrollment has remained open to additional potential subjects. The study’s date of completion is estimated to be in January 2021, but 6-month data will be released in summer 2020.

The study is also virtual in nature, and its participants are all women who have had at least two diagnosed UTIs within the past six months. In their investigations, the researchers will primarily focus on the impact Uqora daily supplements on the reoccurrence of UTIs. To mimic a real-world setting, and because self-diagnosis of a “UTI” will vary, the main endpoint of the trial is defined as a subject receiving antibiotic treatment for a UTI by their doctor

The study was devised as a randomized blind study. Participants are randomly assigned into one of three groups (see below for the specific groups), and none are informed of whether they are taking a placebo or the supplement. Furthermore, participants are responsible for self-reporting through a web portal, logging in with individual identification information. Participants are asked to keep a weekly diary that logs their supplement intake. They also need to fill out questionnaires on health, urinary health, and quality of life throughout the study. Throughout the study, researchers are also unaware of which group participants belong to.

All the data will then be gathered and analyzed to determine whether there is an increase, decrease, or no change in the frequency of UTIs among the supplement group, and how those figures compare to the control group.

The Groups

The primary outcome measurement that researchers are studying is the reoccurrence of UTIs during a six-month period among participants who are taking the Uqora drink and those who are not.

There are three groups in this study, namely the control group, group one, and group two. The control group, also called the placebo group, is given a placebo drink mix and two placebo capsules daily. Group one is given one Uqora drink mix and two placebo capsules daily, and participants in group two are given one Uqora drink mix and two Uqora capsules per day. The groupings are random and blind, and none of the participants know whether they are taking Uqora or a placebo. Subjects in all groups follow this regimen for 180 days while keeping a weekly log and self-reporting via the online portal.

Inclusion Criteria

There are a few inclusion criteria that volunteers need to meet in order to safely participate in the study and to ensure the most insightful study outcomes. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. As it is a gender-based study, it will only include female participants. Furthermore, subjects need to have been diagnosed as female at birth without any subsequent alterations to their gender designation at the time of the study. All participants must also have been treated with antibiotics for urinary tract infections at least two times in the six months prior to their participation in the study. Subjects should be in good health and will be located in various geographical areas across the United States.

Exclusion Criteria

As with any scientific study, the health of the participants, as well as the accuracy of the results, are integral to the findings and outcomes. As such, there are a few criteria that exclude applicants from participating in this study.

These include health-related issues such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes and chronic kidney stones as well as the use of a catheter or a wheelchair as they are associated with more complicated UTIs that may skew the results of the study. Furthermore, pregnant women, as well as those who become pregnant, will also be excluded as they may be advised by their physicians to discontinue all supplements or study participation during pregnancy. That would disrupt the work of the study. Additionally, women who are currently taking any Uqora supplements will be excluded from the study as that may also skew the results. Lastly, participants who are taking antibiotics for the prevention of UTIs will be excluded as the use of antibiotics is expected to have an impact on UTI frequency and therefore skew the results of the study.

About Uqora

Uqora was founded with the goal of helping women with urinary tract health. To find out more about Uqora and their story, please visit www.uqora.com.

Originally published at http://cascadebusnews.com on January 16, 2020.



UTI Research, Innovation and Progress

Uqora makes effective, unique products for urinary tract health. Uqora is helping over 100,000 people stay healthy. You deserve the same.