‘Champion’ by RuPaul

If you don’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love anyone else.

Jasmine Gomez
2 min readJul 7, 2017


“This song can have meaning for anybody who has ever been doubted by anyone ever before in their life. It’s basically just about overcoming adversity and telling the haters that their opinion doesn’t matter and that they will be able to achieve whatever they want to achieve anyway. Just loving yourself — that’s something that RuPaul always really expresses. If you don’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love anyone else? You just need to believe in yourself in order to accomplish your dreams. I’m a very confident person, but I got into this song when I did speech competitions in college. We would travel every weekend across the state or out of state, across the country, and this was one of our hot jams. Before we would go speak in front of people, we would listen to this song and it would pump us up. Now, when I’m getting ready in the morning, putting on my makeup, getting ready to go out or just trying to get myself motivated to do something, I just listen to this song and it makes me fall in love with myself all over again.”

They tried to keep you down, but there’s no denying you’re a champion

Champion — RuPaul

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Song Story Series is an exploration of the ways in which music and life cross paths. Documenting experiences, one song at a time.

Curated by Jasmine Gomez



Jasmine Gomez

Grad Student @NewhouseSU | Contributing writer @Syracusedotcom | Music & Culture Enthusiast | Email me jgomez01@syr.edu. IG: SongStorySeries