Check Out Our Q&A with American Idol’s Robbie Rosen

The Long Island native tells us what it means to be under the influence of music.

4 min readAug 22, 2017


courtesy of Robbie Rosen

We chatted with 23-year-old singer Robbie Rosen about his experience on American Idol and how music has influenced his life and the lives of those around him:

UTIOM: I’m sure you get this question a lot, but what was your experience like on American Idol, and what did you learn from it?

Robbie Rosen: American Idol was definitely the most important stepping stone in my career. While it was certainly a roller coaster ride through it all, it gave me the national, even worldwide, exposure that’s allowed me to do much of what I’m doing today. The judges and coaches behind the scenes were fantastic, as were my fellow contestants, whom I’m still in touch with to this day. Without a doubt one of the best experiences of my life.

UTIOM: What has inspired you since the age of eight to want to pursue music? What inspires you today?

Rosen: My mom was a professional singer for years, and both my parents have always inspired me to do what I love. I knew music was always my calling from an early age. Couldn’t see myself doing anything else. My parents andI always like to say, “I didn’t find music, music found me.”

UTIOM: What artists heavily influence you in the music you write and produce? Who are some of your favorites in today’s world of music?

Rosen: When I was younger, Stevie Wonder changed my musical world. I started listening to his albums, as well as Motown classics that really allowed me to explore the soul in my voice. From there, I kind of took that soul and infused it into the pop music I write, produce, and perform today. I’d have to say Bruno Mars, Gavin DeGraw, Ed Sheeran, Sara Bareilles, and Sam Smith are a few of my favorite artists today.

UTIOM: What does it mean to be ‘Under the Influence of Music’?

Rosen: Music is truly moving and so powerful. It does so much more than just fill up hotel lobbies and play in the background at restaurants. It speaks to us. It heals us. It saves us. I can’t tell you the number of stories I’ve heard in which people wouldn’t even be here today had it not been for music pushing them through the trying times in their lives. I think ‘Under the influence of Music’ is such an important slogan to get out to the world. When we face obstacles, we don’t need to turn to drugs or alcohol; that only makes matters worse. Instead, put on a song like “Let It Be” or “Dream On,” and let the words and music move you.

UTIOM: Favorite venue to perform at thus far?

Rosen: Madison Square Garden, hands down. It was a dream when I was asked to sing there. Other favorite venues I’ve performed at include Citi Field, Nassau Coliseum, The Paramount (with Shawn Mendes & Jake Miller). Can’t overlook the smaller venues though. I do enjoy a more intimate feel with the fans — they always make it so special, and it’s great to see them up close and personal in a smaller setting.

UTIOM: Tell us about your singles “Follow Me” and “Wasted Love.” What inspired you to create these?

Rosen: “Wasted Love” came about in the first writing session I had with my friend Lena Leon. She’s an incredible writer from Brooklyn. As I was driving to her place, a kid threw a rock through my windshield on the Belt Parkway… Needless to say, I wasn’t interested in writing anything too happy after that! So “Wasted Love” was the first thing that came to mind. Never in a million years did I think the first song we’d ever write together would hit #16 on the Italian Dance Charts with over 1.3 million streams on Spotify. Very blessed for the international recognition it gave me, not only as a writer, but as featured artist on the track. “Follow Me” came about when I was approached by Angelina Lavo, a well-known dance producer from NYC. She was looking for a topline (melody & lyric) writer and vocalist, so I offered to take on the project. She’s a classically-trained pianist, something that really impressed me when I first learned about her. As a musician myself, I knew we’d click, and I’m real happy with the work we’ve done together thus far!

Follow Robbie Rosen on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and check out more of his music below:

