Sam Altman Just Got Fired From OpenAI

Derick David
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023


Sam Altman

Sam Altman, cofounder of OpenAI, was fired from his position as the CEO. This came as a shock to many in the tech world, since there’s countless number of people that love ChatGPT and considering Altman’s incredible success in growing OpenAI’s valuation to $80 billion.

The reason given for Altman’s dismissal was a lack of transparency in his communications with the board of directors.

They also said that he wasn’t “candid” enough and they lost their confidence on Sam’s ability to lead the company.

OpenAI blog post

While the exact details of the issue remain unclear, it highlights the unpredictable nature of working in the business world. Especially, when the stakes are high.

Back in 1985 Steve Jobs was ousted by Apple, a company he built from the ground up due to conflicts with John Sculley, the then CEO of Apple which Steve hired. The board of directors sided with John and they’ve decided to push him out. Is this a hostile takeover at OpenAi?

A few hours after OpenAI published the blog post regarding Sam Altman’s departure, Sam tweeted his statement:



Derick David

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