What is Web3? Explained Simply To a 12-Year-Old

Learn the new buzzword of the decade!

Derick David


Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Web3 on Instagram. Web3 on Clubhouse. Web3 on Twitter. What’s this Web3? Aside from the obvious fact that it’s the next evolution of Web2, what does it exactly entail?

Web2, in a simple version, is the internet that we now see and use in the present day. Centralized. Read. Write.

Lately, my LinkedIn and Twitter have been talking nothing but Web3. Of course, this got me curious, so I decided to dig deeper and actually understand what Web3 is.

Given the way our society is progressing with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and decentralization technologies, I found it worthy to learn it. Bitcoin has played a major role in jumpstarting the Web3 ecosystem.

In an article by Chris Dixon and Packy McCormick in The Economist it’s mentioned,

Because of the success of bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency launched in 2008, many people associate blockchains primarily with money and finance. But the applications of blockchains are much broader.

What is Blockchain again in simple words?

  • A digital ledger composed…



Derick David

1M+ views. Seen at Forbes. 10x Top Writer in Technology, Innovation, and Design. https://twitter.com/jeazous