Why The Humane AI Pin Will Flop

Derick David
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2023


Okay, let’s talk about the Humane AI Pin. The supposed “smartphone killer” has been the talk of the tech sphere, promising a step forward in how we interact with the world around us with AI.

But as a daily user juggling my Apple Watch, iPhone, AirPods, and occasional flirtation with Snap Spectacles, I have some serious doubts.

Here’s the thing: our lives are already overflowing with devices.

We wear them, carry them, and stick them in our ears. Are we really adding another gadget to the mix, especially one that doesn’t look particularly sleek or fashionable?

Imagine you’re conducting a symphony of devices: the phone in your pocket like an oboe, the smartwatch a timpani, the earbuds a flute.

Adding another gadget like Humane AI pin feels like introducing a kazoo to the mix — more noise, not harmony.

Humane AI claims the pin can replace your smartphone, but I call BS.

Replacing your smartphone is bold considering smartphones are our digital lifelines. We scroll through them at breakfast, tap away during lunch breaks, and surreptitiously check them under the bar table.

They’re extensions of ourselves. The Humane AI Pin, with its limited voice-based interaction and display, feels like a step back, not a leap forward.



Derick David

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