Three Phone Cases That May Protect You From Cancer

Maddy Hitchcock
UTree 2018
Published in
7 min readDec 16, 2018

In my last learning center post, I talked about the potential dangers of using cell phones. Recall that cell phones produce a low-level radiofrequency between 800 and 2,200 MHz, a level that is absorbable by the human body (Adams et al., 2014). Cell phone radiation has been linked to sleep disruption, difficulty in concentration, headaches, and a slew of other maleffects (Argawal et al., 2008). However, researchers have found connections between cell phone radiation and male fertility problems (Adams et al., 2014; Argawal et al., 2008; Fejes et al., 2007; Mailankot et al., 2009) as well as certain brain cancers (Bortkievicz et al., 2017; Grell et al., 2016; Benson et al., 2013).

Despite these possible dangers, many of us still need our cell phones. Whether it be for calling our parents, checking our grades on Canvas, or calling an uber to get home safely, phones undoubtedly are an integral part of our lives. As Amanda Ray of the Art Institutes says:

“Modern day smartphones — the Apple iPhone in particular — changed everything that consumers expect from their phones. The app market has transformed the phone into a virtual toolbox with a solution for almost every need.”

It is clear that cell phones play an important role in our lives. Don’t fret — you don’t have to give them up just yet! Many companies manufacture phone cases that can protect you from cell phone radiation, and I’ll show you three products that I believe are worth a try.


I suggested SafeSleeve products in my learning center post because I feel that this product is the best all around. An average phone case will run you between $50 to $60, making this product a bit on the pricier side. However, this company seems to have the biggest emphasis on research and making the science accessible to consumers, and for that reason, I recommend this product. Not only are the folks at SafeSleeve businesspeople, but they are also advocates.

SafeSleeve has tested its products in a Federal Communications Commission accredited lab. Its products were shown to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation by up to 99%. What is especially unique about SafeSleeve is that it protects against multiple types of radiation as well: radio frequencies, extremely low frequency (ELF), and thermal radiation. The lab results found that radiofrequency exposure was reduced by 99% and ELF exposure was reduced by 92%. Curiously, the study did not include any data on thermal radiation, which does raise some questions. As the research on cell phone radiation has shown us, heat plays a very decisive role in the production of cancer cells (Taurisano and Vorst, 2000). If this product claims to protect against thermal radiation, why was it not tested?

Aside from this criticism, I still hold that SafeSleeve is a reliable product. The full report on the sleeve’s effectiveness is published on their website for consumers to read. The report was conducted by a third party, which I believe adds to its legitimacy and credibility. It is clear that SafeSleeve not only wants to provide protection to its buyers, but it also seeks to educate them.

SaveSleeve products come in a variety of colors — there’s something for everybody!

SafeSleeve products are made for essentially every model of phone you can think of. Its carries iPhone, Samsung, and Google Pixel cases for nearly every model, and even has a “universal phone case,” which claims to fit any type of phone! In addition, the company sells cases for laptops and tablets. Versatility and reliability are two words that come to mind when I think of SafeSleeve. Check out their products and see for yourself!

Alara by BRINK

The Alara case takes a rather unorthodox approach to reducing radiation exposure. Alara is actually an acronym: it stands for “as low as reasonably possible.” BRINK’s ideology is that our phones are an integral part of our daily lives. Our cell phones work by sending and receiving radiofrequency signals; this is how we are able to communicate with those far away or access our email at any given location. According to BRINK, it’s not reasonable to try to eliminate all cell phone radiation, because the radiation emitted goes hand-in-hand with connecting us to the rest of the world. That’s where the acronym comes in. The goal of the Alara case is to reduce radiation, but allow for just enough so that our phones’ signals remain strong.

BRINK tests its cases in its own labs by putting a cell phone to the ear of an artificial head. It then measures the specific absorption rate (SAR), or the rate at which radiation is absorbed into the head, with and without a phone case. BRINK claims that with the Alara case, users can expect up to a 67% decrease in radiofrequency exposure, which is still pretty significant! The company hasn’t formally published any studies or tests online, but you can watch a video of the test being done on their website. They make the test fairly easy to understand, providing a visual snapshot of radiation exposure with and without the case.

You might be surprised to find out that this sleek cell phone case can protect you from harmful radiation.

If you’re someone who depends on their phone for work, or you simply prefer to be connected with friends and family at all times, this might be the phone case for you! The price is a bit more reasonable as well. On their website, a phone case will cost you around $50, but the same cases are available on Amazon for anywhere from $20 to $40.

RF Safe

This company seems to have the most comprehensive stock of radiation-shielding products. RF Safe offers two types of anti-radiation phone cases: the G-series and F-series. The G-series phone case is made with graphene, a single-atom layer of carbon. According to their website, traditional radiation blocking phone cases rely on conductive metals or magnetic materials; however, their research suggests that carbon nanostructure-based materials like graphene may be more effective at blocking radiation due to their light weight, durability, and flexibility.

The F in the F-series stands for “folio,” though I’m still unsure about what exactly that word means. What I can tell you about the F-series is that the case’s fabric is made from polyester filaments woven with a blend of micro-fine conductive threads. It is plated with hypoallergenic silver, and the two materials are bound with a conductive adhesive.

What I love about RF Safe is that they disclose a lot of information about their products. Their website is not quite as user friendly as the previous two products, but it’s clear to me that the folks at RF Safe know their stuff. They provide a lot of external resources on the safety of cell phone radiation, as well as list the SAR levels of most cell phone models on their website! This is another company that really wants their buyers to be informed, which I respect wholeheartedly.

Like Alara, RF Safe has not formally published a study on the effectiveness of their cases, but there are a multitude of videos on their website that aim to prove its radiation-blocking ability. These videos use a radiation meter to show the amount of radiation being emitted by the phone. When the meter is held up to a phone’s screen, it shows that there is radiation being emitted. But when the meter is held up to the phone with the case on it, the meter is at nearly zero. Of course, a formal study with specific quantitative results would be nice, but the videos definitely do build a strong case for the product.

Watch as a representative from RF Safe demonstrates the effectiveness of its phone cases.

A G-series case will run you about $70, which makes it the most expensive option. However, RF Safe seems to be a company that you can trust, and you really can’t beat the transparency that they’ve provided. In addition, RF Safe offers radiation-blocking headsets, T-shirts, and even underwear. I won’t say that this isn’t just a little weird, but hey, they take radiation seriously!

So, which product should you choose? I think any of these three products would make a great choice. Each has something unique to offer in terms of price, manufacturing, and research. Also keep in mind that there are ways that you can protect yourself for free. The Federal Trade Commission offers a few tips for consumers if they’re wary of the validity of radiation-blocking cases (2011). Turn off your phone when you aren’t using it to ensure that it’s not emitting unnecessary radiation. Try to text more than you talk; and if you to talk, try to do it hands-free rather than holding it up to your ear. Wait for a good signal before you talk or text, as your phone actually emits more radiation when it has a bad signal. Finally, researchers have suggested trying to keep your phone at least ten centimeters away from your person at all times (Cig and Naziroglu, 2015). This can help reduce the amount of radiation that is absorbed into the vulnerable parts of your body. No matter which product you choose or don’t choose, always remember that you play a role in controlling your radiation exposure.

