Utrum Circulation Supply Update

Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2019

We wish to clarify about the circulation supply amount as listed on Coinmarketcap.

Coinmarketcap has listed our circulation supply as 64,800,139 OOT as on 08 June 2019


In reality, our circulation supply is 17.2 Million OOT and you can verify it on our OOT Explorer Rich List. Coinmarketcap has calculated unlocked funds using their automated API when the funds are unlocked for hold rewards and operations reserve.

Utrum (OOT) Rich List

Let’s do a quick math

Content Rewards 108,000,000 (50%)

Locked Reserve 21,600,000 (10%)

Locked Team Funds 21,600,000 (10%)

Hold Rewards Reserve 21,100,003 (9.77%)

Marketing Reserve 1,737, 562 (0.8%)

Unlocked Reserve 10,800,000 (5%)

Unlocked Team Funds 8,094,485 (3.75%)

SuperNet and Goldenman — VC Investors 6,480,000 (3%)

92% (198,720,000) is still on HOLD and 8% (17,280,000) are with normal investors. Out of these 17.2 Million, many investors has locked their funds for rewards thus making circulation supply even lesser than 17.2 Million. But as of now, we don't have exact figures for locked funds.

So let’s consider the circulation supply of OOT is 17.2 Million

If you wish to earn rewards up to 7.2% per year by holding OOT, you can do it using our desktop and web wallet

Desktop (Win,Mac,Linux)


Web (web users and mobile)


Hold Reward Conditions


