Utrum Development Update — Issue #1

Utrum’s New Transparent Development Update — Issue #1 — Aug 1, 2018

3 min readAug 1, 2018


Welcome to the first issue in a new series of transparent monthly reports from our Development team!

We are really excited to be sharing our internal planning, progress, discussion, and more transparent reporting and communication with our incredible community. As a project building the future of Trust in crypto and blockchain projects, we take the role of leadership in transparency and trust seriously.

So let’s get to the report!

Utrum Official Wallet Update

Our blockchain developers, Emmanuel and Jackson, are finalizing the wallet with one last (difficult) feature that’s taking all their time. They are finishing the HODL feature of the wallet. This is the feature which gives users the capability of locking their OOT to earn rewards. It’s still missing some big components (windows/osx binaries, installer, help files, onboarding), but the most challenging elements are almost all in place.

Utrum Alpha Web App Update

We’re using gitlab to capture code for all projects and this will store issues, tasks, and documentation. Our team is also using Jumpchart to keep an app outline. Gitlab pushes all code update for public projects to github “automagically.”

Andrew our CTO has put together a high level site architecture with a stack, plus a working technical outline in Jumpchart. This is enough to start building components.

Vishal, our latest addition to the dev team, has imported all the crypto data we can get at this point. This will be used in the Alpha version of Utrum as we design and develop the database and resources to be accessible in our MVP.

We have all the coin data and API work for gathering all ICO’s. We also have all the relevant team members to list. From a data standpoint, this part is in a good place.

Coming Weeks:

  • This week Andrew will start building a database for the back end. From there, a new backend/db dev can start building API’s.
  • Pratap, our front-end dev, has made some progress on the design templates. Some elements will be ready for review this week. We’re starting with Menus, Coin Lists, Tables, Profile Cards, etc…This will go faster when we add a UI/Designer, but will still start regardless of a UI person.

Hiring of Developers

This past month we’ve hired Full Stack Developer Vishal and Blockchain Developer Jackson. Both are up and running, staying busy with tasks. Blockchain Developer Patrick starts today.

We are waiting on decisions for two additional developers for Database and Backend, and interviewing an individual for the position of Designer/UI.

We’ve started thinking about people who support additional extraneous development tasks, like technical documentation/help docs, manual testing and technical support. If we can fulfill these roles from the support of community members or other volunteers today that’s great, but at some point we’ll want to have internal and full-time people filling these roles.

Looking Ahead

Our Dev Team is off to a strong start, thanks in large part to our new CTO Andrew who, in his first month with us has demonstrated solid leadership, vision, passion and dedication to the tasks at hand! And of course, last but certainly not least, we are grateful to our incredible dev team following his lead in working tirelessly and passionately to move forward.

With completion and release of our Official Wallet just around the corner and Alpha Utrum Platform development underway, things are humming at Utrum.

Two important ways in which we’d like to share this progress with you, besides these reports, are through a progress indicator and a periodic interactive webinar for you to join and see where we are, watch demos and more! We’ll share more about this in the coming days.

In the mean time, thank you for being a supporter and of our project! We’ll continue to keep you in the know and in the mean time, make sure you’ve joined our Discord and say hello!

Join Utrum Official Discord

Meet the Team!

Didn’t recognize the names above? Come over and meet our team: https://utrum.io#team

