Utrum Weekly Update

This week: “Breaking Ground” on Utrum Alpha; Utrum Wallet; RightBTC Exchange Listing; Utrum Hires Blockchain Developer

3 min readJul 14, 2018


Utrum — Crypto Playbook

Only 9 days since the successful completion of our DICO and we have a lot of exciting updates to share already. As you know, July 1st we hired our CTO Andrew Dubinsky, an accomplished and renowned developer, tech entrepreneur and visionary to lead our development.

Without delay we’re already hard at work and putting the funds raised in our DICO to good use in creating the Utrum Platform!

So here’s what’s happening now…

Development of Utrum Alpha Commences

Our devs have begun the wireframe and initial coding of Utrum Alpha. This first phase of development will include several stages, first of which is building the database functionality of Utrum Platform. This database includes crypto projects, teams, assets, coins, and more with associated portfolios and data on each.

As this code is framed up and finalized we will push to our GitHub! We are well on our way in giving you some fun code to sink your digital teeth into and see the progress we are making.

The Utrum OOT Wallet

We’ve also been working hard on finalizing the development of an exclusive Utrum OOT wallet. Our blockchain devs are combining advanced functionality with ease-of-use to bring OOT holders a wallet which is simple, straight forward, and allows full control over OOT-specific features, like vesting!

Right now OOT holders can use the Agama wallet to keep and track their OOT holdings. Barterdex is also an option for OOT holders or those wanting to buy and keep their OOT safe. Learn more about wallets currently available here.

We will keep you updated on the progress and of course announce the alpha releases as they become available for safe use. That brings me to our next update!

Blockchain Developer Jackson Roberts Joins Utrum

Utrum has hired Jackson Roberts as our Blockchain Developer. Jackson has worked in blockchain for the past 4 years, particularly specializing in Bitcoin protocol and Komodo blockchain. Jackson placed first at HackCU IV (https://hackcu.org/) with a NEO blockchain application he made to track repair history for electronics, and has built many blockchain apps utilizing javascript.

As a Notary Node operator for Komodo, Jackson also brings unique understanding of the inner workings of all things komodo-based blockchain…and Utrum being a Komodo Asset chain makes this a perfect fit.

RightBTC Lists OOT

This week, July 12th, the cryptocurrency exchange RightBTC opened trading of OOT! This is the 4th exchange to list OOT. We are proud to have several options for traders and investors alike to buy, sell, and exchange OOT tokens.

We have launched trading contest on RightBTC. Investors can trade and win 300,000 OOT

Contest Details https://www.rightbtc.com/#!/news/detail/282

OOT is now available on the following exchanges and pairings:

New to Utrum?

If you are new to our project, we’d love to share more with you and for you to join our community! Get involved on our Discord and Telegram learn more at https://utrum.io.

