Utrum Weekly Update

Utrum on The Bad Crypto Podcast, Official Utrum Wallet Progress Update, New Developers Joining and More!

4 min readJul 31, 2018


It’s been nearly a month since completing our DICO and hitting the gas on development. We’ve made a lot of progress both on our OOT wallet and Utrum Platform Alpha. Lastly, we’ve also hired some new developers!

And, thanks to recommendations by our supportive community, we were hand picked by The Bad Crypto Podcast, featuring Joel Comm and Travis Wright, for their Crypto Spotlight!

Utrum on Bad Crypto Podcast Crypto Spotlight!

We are really excited and humbled to have the chance to talk about Utrum and what we are doing for cryptocurrency on this very popular podcast. The show is a fun approach, breaking down the complex, educating listeners, and delivering relevant information on cryptocurrency related topics.

The Bad Crypto Podcast is ranked in the top 15 podcasts on Investing and top 50 for Business, with upwards of 700,000 downloads monthly. Hosting crypto and non-crypto celebrities alike…such as Charlie Shrem, John McAfee, Charlie Lee, James Altucher, to name just a few…, we are very excited to have this opportunity to share Utrum with such a large audience!

After a week of vetting processes we got the green light and had a great interview with Joel and Travis. Listen to the Spotlight (Crypto Spotlight 040) starting at 19 Minutes into the Podcast at https://badcryptopodcast.com/2018/07/31/crypto-spotlight-040/ or through your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Google, Spotify, or Stitcher).

New Developer Hires

This month we’ve been very busy! Not only are we working hard on the early stages of Utrum Platform Alpha, we have hired some new developers to help get us there.

Joining us in July are Vishal Prajapati as a Full Stack Developer and Jackson Roberts as a Blockchain Developer. We are also welcoming another Blockchain Developer the 1st of August, Patrick Hennis. Patrick previously worked on the development team for ZenCash, as well as Jefferson Lab assisting with particle research.

We’re excited to bring yet another passionate blockchain developer onboard and have a few more spots to fill in August.

Utrum Official Wallet Sneak Peek!

Speaking of #teamblockchain, we are right around the corner from completing the Official Utrum OOT wallet! While we are still perfecting the design, our focus is on function first.

But we’ll give you a little peek at the layout!

Wallet Balance / Receive Screen:

As you can see on the left, one of the options is called “HODL”. This is where Hodlers can lock OOT for Rewards, claim rewards, etc.

The team is working hard to finalize function, touch up the UI, and get it rolled out to our community. We’ll keep you posted!

Utrum Development Progress Transparency

As an important part of our commitment to transparency with the cryptocurrency community and our supporters, we will begin 1st of August to publish a very transparent monthly report on the progress of development. This report will be gleaned from our internal communications and formatted in an easy to read report on the previous month’s progress!

We’ll also include a nifty graphic to display where we are in the timeline of events and our development roadmap. As we move along we want you to also see what we are working on, where we are in the process, regardless if we’ve hit a snag or moved several steps ahead.

Utrum is a project for building a trusted community platform in crypto, and we know full well this begins with us and how we demonstrate transparency and trust with you.

Blockonomi’s “A Utrum Beginner’s Guide”

Blockonomi has put together a nifty little report on Utrum, helping spread the word. Feel free to share the article with anyone who you may feel would be interested in learning the break-down of what we are building! You can access the article here.

Another Exchange Listing On The Way!

Lastly, we are happy to announce yet another exchange listing. Around the second week of August, Utrum’s OOT token will be listed on Sistemkoin Crypto Exchange, with pairings of OOT/BTC and OOT/TRY (Turkish Lira) focused towards European and Turkish Investors.

You can view a complete list of all Exchange listings where you can now buy OOT tokens at our official OOT Coin page here:


Join Us On Discord!

If you haven’t already, be sure to join our community chat at the official Utrum Discord

Again, thank you for your support!

~Utrum Team

