HISTORY MADE: Merchants will get additional profit instead of losing on fees

3 min readApr 14, 2021


Welcome to the true revolution in payments.

Utrust started out by charging a very small fee. The goal was always to help merchants consolidate their earnings, and provide a service that was objectively better than what traditional providers were achieving. The intention was never to be just another PayPal or Stripe.

The goal was to do better.

Now, Utrust has a solid merchant base, and digital currency adoption has definitely hit the mainstream.

It’s time to step up our game.

We are turning our fees into earnings for you

Whenever a merchant accepts a payment via Utrust, we charge a 1% fee. This has been our standard practice since we have existed. Now, we are changing it. And we are making history.

Utrust will take a part of the fee merchants were paying anyway, and is using it to buy UTK in the open market. In the merchant’s name. Those tokens will then be locked in a staking pool for one year. When the pool is unlocked, whatever is in there will belong to the merchant.

This means merchants will actually hold our tokens and become part of our exciting journey. Can you imagine if PayPal or other traditional payment gateways gave you shares in the company every time you accepted a purchase using their service?

Our compound yield will make merchants even more

The second feature we are unveiling today is compound yield. Through decentralized finance (DeFi) strategies and reliable partnerships, we will be encouraging merchants to leave their earnings with us instead of banks.

Banks are costing all of us money. They charge us just for keeping our money. This, to us, is an outrage. We will be doing the exact opposite. If merchants choose to leave their earnings with us for at least a year, we will be paying them a 10%* APY (annual percentage yield) on that value. If they choose to be paid in UTK, we will go even further. 12%* APY.

We intend to turn the market on its head. We want companies to stop competing to make the most money off of merchants. We want companies to compete to see who can make them the most.

Here’s a real world example

Let’s say any given merchant has made one million EUR using a traditional payment gateway. They don’t keep that million, evidently, they must pay VAT, operational costs (these include the payment gateway), myriad taxes, etc. At the end of the day, net profits will amount to something like 15%.

What if they made the same million using Utrust instead?

We will charge only a 1% fee up front.

Ah, but we will offset that fee with reverse staking! So that’s 5% you would be paying to your PSP that you simply aren’t paying anymore. That means your net profit is up to 20% (at least. Reverse staking doesn’t work with fixed values, depending on the markets it could be a lot more).

Let’s say you then choose to keep your earnings with us for at least a year, activating our compound yield feature. If you choose to receive your earnings in fiat (or whatever other digital currency you prefer), you will be getting 10%* on top of that. That’s 30% net profit.

That’s right, we’ve almost doubled your profit already.

But we can do you one better.

What if you choose to receive your yield profits in UTK? We will be paying you 12%* instead of 10%*, which would make your net profit 32%, and more than twice what you were making with a traditional payment gateway.

In some countries, interest is taxable, so you must take this into consideration when figuring out your specific case.
* The values are explanatory and might change.

The first payment gateway in the world making merchants money

We told you we were working on something cool.

We are ready to turn this market on its head. We have been trying to prepare the world for the money of the future for years. Now, the world better get ready for us.

Join this revolution now.




The easiest way to pay with & accept digital currencies. The money of tomorrow is here. Experience digital payments with Utrust: utrust.com