UTRUST Marketing AMA — Everything you wanted to ask, answered

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4 min readJul 22, 2019

UTRUST’s Head of Marketing & Growth João Gomes recently held an AMA to let everyone know about our recent progress after our first live merchant launch with S.L. Benfica. Over the last couple of months, the team has been gathering data from Benfica’s and evaluating the performance of our platform in real-time, in the real world. We’re pleased to have been proven our product team’s success and believe that we are ready to bring the platform to new merchants soon.

Given that there are always a lot of moving parts in bringing new partners into our ecosystem, we can’t tell you exactly what is going to happen next. To provide more clarity on our own strategic direction, and show you how we are getting the message out to our potential clients and partners, João joined our community for an AMA to answer the most asked questions about how UTRUST is navigating the crypto market waters and moving forward.

Lean, mean, crypto machine

João started by discussing our lean startup approach to marketing. This means that we get our message out on multiple channels both online and off. As with everything we do, we test and measure to make sure that we are making the optimum impact with everything that we do. The next steps for this include consolidating our product road map and rebranding with a new logo and website. The strategy goes beyond a simple rebrand however, we are also working with partners like Benfica to create joint initiatives and future projects. Crypto is all about building a community and we want our partners, supporters, and clients all along for the ride.

Rewarding a strong community

To do this we are planning on leveraging the crypto community at large and the people who have had an interest in UTRUST since the beginning. We are hoping to begin providing incentives for using the platform which is growing rapidly. At the moment, due to our partnership with Uphold, UTRUST can reach 184 countries but we would like to make sure that physical location is never an obstacle in a businesses ability to onboard crypto. But, we have to start at the beginning, so our marketing team is now focusing on the countries which will make the best case for crypto in the future. Adoption is around the corner, but it is important to place our assets and attention in the right place.

Data-driven action

Ultimately, João stated that his experience as a marketer boils down to measuring and learning. As a co-founder and CEO of a very lean growth marketing agency, he learned that experimentation leads to a deep knowledge of a marketplace and that optimizing workflows translates to sustainable growth. At the moment UTRUST is focused on working with acquiring and activating companies which are helping bring mass adoption to crypto. Afterwards is when the optimization happens. However, UTRUST’s experiment with launching the beta wallet during the bear market reinforced the fact that the community is always paramount to any growth.

While we are confident that UTRUST will eventually be a household name for using cryptocurrencies we know that we are in a growth phase. While many companies rely on influencers within the market we believe that our supporters are our best ambassadors. We also believe in reaching outside of the crypto echo chamber and into the world of traditional technology. As crypto becomes more mainstream, we want UTRUST to be one of the first companies that is associated with virtual assets. And to do this, we need to first be useful.

Utility Market Value

This is one of the reasons why we built our native cryptocurrency UTK to have a great deal of utility. Our asset is squarely apart of our ecosystem and the more our clients and supporters use it, the more it will be adopted. Unlike other crypto companies which pump tokens without much use, we try to pump utility into our token and the rest will take care of itself. We believe this will help our year-end goals of building initiatives with partners and growing the payment volume of our merchants.

On top of this, we want to make sure that our platform is able to benefit everyone. The African continent has some of the greatest difficulties with banking systems and payment platforms. While we don’t have any specific plans for Africa just yet, we are always looking for new ways to advance all ecosystems.


As we rebrand we will maintain the name UTRUST, which will always be here to stay. Our design team is now super-focused on creating a look and feel that will help convert big merchants and more buyers into using our platform.

To meet João and get all the details covered in this great Marketing AMA session, check the full video right here.

UTRUST Marketing AMA

And the next AMA is…

Marketing was only the first AMA of many to come. We’re all about keeping the information flowing and the conversation going, and happy to bring our community closer to what all our teams are working towards. Next up, our Product Managers will be holding a session to answer all your questions about our product. Feel free to share your questions here.




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