Nag Panchami

Naga Panchami is a day of traditional worship of the snake God, also known to us as Lord Shiva as well as snakes. It is celebrated on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha during the Sawan month according to the Hindu calendar and is an auspicious day for Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists.

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3 min readAug 19, 2023


Nag Panchami


There are many legends associated with the importance of worship of snakes. According to the legend of the Puranas and the Mahabharata, Lord Brahma’s grandson, Kashyapa married two daughters of Prajapati Daksha, Kadru and Vinata. Kadru is the one who gave birth to the race of Naga while Vinata gave birth to Aruna.

There are several other mentions of snake worship in our scriptures. In Mahabharata, Janamejaya, the son of King Parikshita of the Kuru dynasty is seen performing a snake sacrifice known as Sarpa Satra, to avenge the death of his father, who was killed by a snake bite from the snake king named Takshaka.

He was successful in creating such a powerful sacrificial fire that all the snakes were falling into the Yagna kunda. Takshaka was hiding in the realm of Indra and coiled himself around Indra’s cot. However, the sacrificial yagna was so powerful that even Indra along with Takshaka was dragged towards the fire.

Manasadevi sent her son Astika to go and request Janamejaya to stop the Sarpa Satra yagna. He listened to Astika which resulted in Indra and Takshaka being saved. This day has been then celebrated as a festival of the Naga.


Nag Panchami, a famous Hindu festival, is dedicated to snake worship, which represents protection, fertility, and cosmic energy. Regional rites differ, however some typical practises include:

Snake Idol Worship: Snake idols are made of metal, wood, or clay and are decorated with flowers, vermillion, and turmeric. After that, the idols are put in homes or temples, and prayers are offered.

Offerings: As a symbol of respect and to request blessings for the safety and prosperity of their families, devotees present milk, honey, rice, and sweets to snake statues.

Saffron Turmeric Paste: It is claimed that applying a paste of saffron and turmeric to the forehead in the shape of a snake can protect you against snakebites and other sorts of danger.

Nag Panchami Puja: Special prayers and pujas are held in temples and homes to invoke the snake deities’ blessings. To honour the Nagas (snake deities), mantras and hymns are performed.

Fasting: On Nag Panchami, some people practise a partial or total fast. As a show of commitment, they abstain from eating grains and specific foods.

2023 Dates

This year Nag Panchami is going to be celebrated on August 21, 2023. The snake deities will be worshipped with milk, sweets, flowers, lamps, and even sacrifices. It is said that one can get rid of Kal Sarp Dosh by offering prayers to the serpent god on this day. In many places, real snakes are also worshipped. People also observe fasts during this day.

Book Nag Panchami Special puja for the upcoming auspicious day of Nag Panchami (21st Aug) at Siddhavat Ghat, Ujjain 🙏🏻



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