Pillar adds a Boston technology pillar — An interview with Russ Wilcox

Dennis B. Keohane
Utterly Biased
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2017
Russ Wilcox

It was announced last week that Pillar was adding Russ Wilcox as an investing partner. It’s a big move for the growing (in both size and influence) firm started by Jamie Goldstein last year. Wilcox is best known for his role as the CEO and founder of E Ink, the company behind the electronic ink technology used in Amazon’s Kindle readers. E Ink’s tech was spun out of MIT, as was Wilcox’s most recent venture, Transatomic Power.

As his track record — as a founder/CEO and an angel investor — makes clear, Russ is someone who seems to have a knack for uncovering and harnessing some sophisticated technological innovations and bringing them to market…often before the market is even ready for them.

Wilcox grew up in a family, led by an MIT-grad father, that was passionate about science and technology. He credits that for piquing his interest into the possibilities of innovation. That led him to study applied mathematics at Harvard and later to earn an MBA from HBS.

But while many of his HBS classmates took a career path down the road to management consulting, Wilcox had a realization that put him on a trajectory that led him to multiple chief executive roles and his new career as a VC.

I asked Russ a few questions about his journey thus far, including what led him to seek out opportunities such as PureSpeech (where he first met Pillar’s Jamie Goldstein), E Ink, and later Transatomic Power and Piper Therapeutics.

Utterly Biased: What was the impetus for the shift from management consulting, which you had already started doing some work in, to technology?

Russ Wilcox: I was doing some project management around the time I was at HBS, and I had this one little project that made me look at what I was doing differently. One client asked me to figure out how billionaires get created. So I did a bunch of research, read a lot of biographies on billionaires, and quickly discovered that none had gotten that way by working for someone else.

I realized that it was a smart idea to be an owner of something, so started to try to figure out how to make that happen. As someone who loved science and technology, I thought I could be the founder of a tech company, so I focused on startup founders. I wasn’t sure exactly how to do that, so I was caught in a struggle many MBAs face about working for a larger existing company or going out on your own.

I decided there was a middle road between being part of a big company like Facebook or trying to start my own thing, and that was to go work for someone else’s startup. That’s how I ended up at PureSpeech right out of business school, which was the first time I worked with Jamie.

UB: So after you have this startup experience, you are ready to do your own thing, how did you get involved with electronic ink?

RW: I started to look for something else and was introduced to Joe Jacobson (E-Ink’s technical founder) at the MIT Media Lab. At the time, he was working on this light gray and dark gray screen technology. It didn’t seem like much on its own, but when I looked at the electric ink under a microscope, there was just this gorgeous jet black and titanium white pixelation.

I fell in love with the technology; it was just an intellectually fascinating idea. So I helped launch E-Ink. It was about six years in the wilderness from the Media Lab to shipping, but we got a huge lift when Amazon launched the Kindle and picked our technology. Just prior to that, I had become the CEO, after various other roles, and we started ramping up to meet the demand. In 36 months, we went from doing $9 million to $160 million for the product. Ultimately, in 2009, we sold the company to Prime View International, and they wanted to have their management team managing E-Ink.

UB: So what did you do next after working on that project for 12 years?

RW: I reintroduced myself to my family. We took kids out of school and traveled around the world for a year. It was a great experience; we visited 32 countries. I had learned so much while traveling for business; I really hoped that the kids would pick up a more global perspective and realized how much is changing outside of the U.S.

Returning to Boston, I looked for new projects, especially one that could do something about pollution. I started looking into nuclear reactors, which are safer, cleaner, and cheaper.

So I co-founded Transatomic Power and helped to get it up and running. Eventually, it was clear that fellow co-founder Dr. Leslie Dewan was ideal to be the CEO, and I moved to the board.

Also, after coming back from our trip, I had begun to invest as an angel. I would only back founders who I thought were spectacular humans. One of the companies that I backed early on that has gone on to do well is Disruptor Beam.

UB: And now you are joining Pillar. What led to the move?

RW: I wasn’t sure I wanted to be an investor until Jamie reached out. I was really impressed by what he was building.

More than anything, Jamie is just the type of guy you want backing you. So that was a draw.

But, I was also attracted to the philosophy; especially, the vision of bringing up the next crop of startups in Boston, that resonated with me.

Pillar is all about becoming highly aligned with founders and entrepreneurs. From the beginning, Jamie built in this philosophy of having founder friendly term and always leaning towards what’s best for the founders. Having been on the other side, I realize how important that is.

UB: What has you most excited about this new role?

RW: I would like to see an impact in terms of bringing together the next generation of Boston startups, more pillar companies. We want to be involved in all of them, but it won’t be Pillar alone that does that.

This post first appeared in Utterly Biased, a weekly newsletter telling the real stories about what is happening in Boston tech, startups, and entrepreneurship.

