Reaching the Right Person Unlocks his Sphere of Influence

Many opportunities get dropped to my hands

Vytautas Ratkevičius
Uttermost Evangelism Pursuit
3 min readSep 11, 2020


A week ago I met a man (let’s call him Rob) with whom I connected, shared about my faith in Jesus, and gave him a booklet with my written testimony. This week I decided to pay him a second visit.

I was hoping he had read my testimony booklet and had questions. Because it was a connection that God helped me to make, I thought that today is the day when Rob is going to decide to live for Jesus. I even considered taking a towel in case of baptism.

Everything turned out to be quite different from what I was expecting…

Rob is staying at the beach in a cabin that is a part of a semi-working rollercoaster for small kids. Although he has four small jobs around the place where he’s staying, I don’t think he owns a phone. My phone number was written in the back of my testimony booklet but he didn’t reach out in the week.

I went to the beach and was looking for more than 10 minutes. Eventually, I found Rob sitting under a beach umbrella speaking to an old man. When he saw me, he greeted and urged me to take off my T-shirt and enjoy the sun. I was given a beach chair beside the old man.



Vytautas Ratkevičius
Uttermost Evangelism Pursuit

Digital writer aiming to inspire and empower you to live more puposeful life.