The UTU Roadmap Update — February 2021

Published in
4 min readFeb 9, 2021

We’ve updated our roadmap to highlight the launch of our Trust API, testnet, mainnet, and more.

Hello UTU Trust Guardians!

We’ve made some important updates to our company roadmap and have a lot of exciting products, features, and programs coming up this year!

Let’s jump right into the timeline.

Q1 2021

V1 of the Trust API and SDK

The first major launch of Q1 will be version 1 of our Trust API (Application Programming Interface) and SDK (Software Development Kit). This release will support star ratings, badges, text and video reviews, and personalized recommendations.

Our API will allow an app’s users to rate and review products, services, and other users. Our recommendation model will then use artificial intelligence and machine learning to make connections between all of these inputs to help businesses deliver more personalized recommendations to increase conversions.

We are currently integrating and testing our API and SDK with a few centralized pilot partners, and more news about these integrations will come.

Fintech API MVP and M-PESA Parser

We will also release the MVP of our Fintech API. This will include the first iteration of our creditworthiness scoring model, which will incorporate multiple inputs, such as financial information, social media activity, and more, so lenders can more accurately assess creditworthiness of potential borrowers.

We will introduce the first version of our M-PESA statement parser as well. This app will help our clients based in Africa to easily extract data from their customers’ M-PESA statements, such as name, phone number, and account payment activity. Clients will be able to view this information on a dashboard and incorporate it into our creditworthiness scoring model.

Our M-PESA parser can easily extract M-PESA statement data for analysis

Q2 2021

UTU Protocol Testnet

We will launch the UTU protocol testnet in Q2!

The primary testnet features may include:

  1. The first implementation of the UTU Token (UTT) smart contracts, where you receive UTT for submitting accurate ratings, reviews, and recommendations.
  2. The prototype of the token conversion mechanism, where you can convert UTT to UTU Coin (UTU).
  3. Preliminary models for privacy-preserving endorsements and data usage rights controls.
  4. Initial integration of the testnet’s endorsement smart contracts into our Trust API and SDK.

We’ll need to see a lot of user activity in order to evaluate and adapt the system’s tokenomics, test the stability of the network, and more. We can certainly use your help in this, so stay tuned for more news about how you can be rewarded for helping us test our network.

Android SDK and DeFi Portal update

We will also release the Android version of our Trust SDK so Android developers can easily integrate our Trust API into their apps. There are an estimated 3.75 billion global Android users, so our Android SDK can be a huge step in the adoption of UTU around the world.

We will also incorporate the SDK and API advancements to the DeFi Portal, such that users can actively give feedback about DeFi protocols and serve improved recommendations based on this.

Q3 2021

UTU Mainnet and Developer Program

After extensive testing and improvement of our testnet, we will release the UTU mainnet out into the wild in Q3!

We will subsequently launch the UTU Developer Program, where developers can create apps on top of the UTU network and add improvements to the protocol.

There are so many use cases for UTU, and we can’t build them all! So establishing and growing a robust developer community will be important to realizing the full potential of UTU.

Extension of API/SDK to Additional Sectors and Platforms

In addition to the fintech sector, we will continue to customize and extend our API and SDK to other important sectors.

This may include freelancing / hiring (such as for our partner CryptoTask), home and local services, eCommerce, and other sectors.

We’ll also launch our iOS SDK to allow developers to integrate UTU into their iPhone apps.

Q4 2021

By the end of the year, we will continue to improve upon the UTU mainnet’s functionality and stability and better integrate it with the API and SDK.

This is where the full power of UTU will be realized.

Our decentralized protocol - that rewards users for accurate reviews and sharing data - together with the Trust API and SDK - which allows businesses to interact with this user data to provide better product and service recommendations - will be an extremely powerful combination that will increase trust across the entire internet.

We will then begin to extend this combination to many other use cases, such as into web browsers like Chrome and Brave, messaging apps like Telegram, eCommerce ecosystems like Shopify and WooCommerce, and many more.

Additionally, we will launch the initial version of the UTU protocol governance process, where you, the UTU Trust Guardians, will be responsible for leading the future direction of the network.


We are in the first inning of the UTU journey, and 2021 will be a very important year for all of us.

As you know, our vision is for the internet to be a safer, more trusted place to gather, share, work, and trade. And we will take many important steps in 2021 to realizing this vision.

Please let us know what you think by sending us your thoughts on Twitter or Telegram.

We are happy that you’re coming along for this ride and thank you so much for your support!

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To learn more about UTU, visit us on our website, Twitter, and Telegram.




Bridging the gap between how we trust in the real world, and how we are asked to trust online.