The UTU Update — March 2021



We launched the first version of our Trust API! And we forged partnerships with KardiaChain and Hypermine, hired a Head of Product, and more!

UTU Trust Guardians,

Welcome to the March 2021 edition of The UTU Update!

A lot happened this past month, including the launch of the first version of our Trust API and SDK!

You can view the UTU Update in video form here:

Otherwise, read on!

We launched the Trust API and SDK v1!

Big news!

We’ve released the first public-facing version of our Trust API (application programming interface) and web SDK (software development kit)!

We’ve been working with a few pilot partners, including Jamborow, AMPnet, Shuttle One, and more on building out and improving our product.

We are super excited to get our Trust API out in the wild!

Read the latest on our Trust API in this post:

New website

We launched a newly-redesigned website! Check it out here:

We believe this better explains everything that UTU is and will be to our potential B2B customers, investors, community members, and anyone looking to learn more. And we think it looks awesome too! :)

Please let us know what you think of the new design!


Partnership with KardiaChain

We’ve partnered with KardiaChain to integrate our trust infrastructure into their ecosystem!

We will work with KardiaChain on a number of initiatives, including:

  • Integrating our Trust API so that developers who build on KardiaChain can identify the trustworthiness of users and entities in their Dapps.
  • Incorporate UTU’s trust and credit scoring technology into DeFi and TradFi lending apps built on KardiaChain.
  • Explore cross-chain interoperability initiatives.

Read more about the partnership here.

Partnership with Hypermine

We’ve also partnered with Hypermine to integrate our Trust API into their decentralized ID protocol, Hypersign!

Our Trust API will analyze the activity of Hypersign users, such as website logins, purchases, and more, and assign trust scores based on these actions. These trust scores will allow other users and providers to make better decisions on whether to verify and engage with these entities.

Read more here.

New Hire — Head of Product

We recently hired a new Head of Product, Nereah Okanga!

Nereah will lead the management and development of our existing and new products and will be a key member of our management team.

Nereah sat down with our CCO Mike Chan to talk about her background and role at UTU. Check out the video here:

We welcome Nereah to the UTU squad!

New video — How UTU can help in the search of a new dentist

CCO Mike Chan recently had to search for a new dentist for his daughter, and he realized how much UTU could have helped. So he recorded a short video about it.

Check it out here:

Basically, he combed through a bunch of online reviews, but wound up going with a dentist whom two of his friends recommended.

UTU could have made his life much easier!


Phew! That was a crazy active month! Stay tuned for more developments soon.

Thanks for your support, Trust Guardians!

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To learn more about UTU, visit us on our website, Twitter, Telegram, and LinkedIn.




Bridging the gap between how we trust in the real world, and how we are asked to trust online.