UTU and ENS partner to make Web3 more human-friendly

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4 min readOct 26, 2022

UTU will work with ENS to support ENS Name Resolution and Reverse Resolution and to distribute UTU Trust Signals across web3.

Hello UTU Trust Guardians!

We are excited to announce that we have formed a partnership with ENS (Ethereum Name Service) to integrate ENS names and affiliations into UTU Protocol. This will support resolution of ENS Names, reverse resolution, and let users name things in UTU Protocol!

We will also work to distribute our trust infrastructure services with their decentralized identity services and explore other ways to work together! Read on to learn more about how we’ll collaborate.

What is ENS?

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the most widely integrated web3 username provider globally with over 2 million names registered. ENS domains are secure domain names for the decentralized world. They provide a way for users to map human readable names to blockchain and non-blockchain resources, like Ethereum .eth addresses, IPFS hashes, or website URLs.

How will UTU and ENS work together?

UTU and ENS will collaborate on a series of integrations that support our mutual goals around making web3 more human friendly and trustable.

First we will work together on Resolving ENS names in UTU so a user can enter an ENS name instead of an address. By accepting ENS names in UTU, we remove the need for users to copy and paste — or worse, type out — long and opaque Ethereum addresses, which leads to errors and lost funds.

Next we will work together on Reverse Resolution of addresses entered into ENS Names when available. By supporting reverse resolution, UTU’s users can more easily identify accounts they interact with, associating them with a short human-readable name instead of a long opaque Ethereum address.

In UTU, Resolving and Reverse Resolution means that ENS users’ ENS Names will be displayed when they rate and review sites/services with UTU’s feedback mechanism including badges, video stories, and UTT endorsements

We will also explore letting users name things within UTU, that is, associating ENS names with resources created by or managed with UTU Protocol. Finally we will explore distributing UTU signals as an extension of ENS’s efforts to make Web3 more human-friendly. UTU’s trust infrastructure can serve up valuable personalized signals about the trustworthiness of uniquely identifiable assets online to help users safely navigate web3.

“ENS is excited to work with UTU in order to work towards a shared mission of making Web3 more accessible, safe, and trustworthy to the average user. This broadens the scope of how one can use an ENS name, and opens up the window for more creative and sophisticated uses for human-readable web3 usernames.”

Khori Whitaker, Executive Director, ENS

“The synergies between UTU and ENS are quite obvious as we both provide a foundational service that makes web3 human-friendly and easier to navigate safely. The integration of ENS Names into UTU Protocol is a clear win for good user experience and better trust online.”

Jason Eisen, Co-Founder and CEO of UTU

We are excited to work with ENS to increase trust across web3.

About ENS

ENS names are portable web3 usernames which enable you to easily receive payments in any cryptocurrency, and are the foundation of the growing decentralized web, and more — with the self-custody, programmability, and security of the Ethereum blockchain. The implications of any one of these use cases are enormous, and ENS does all of them.

And adoption is growing. Two years ago, there were about 25 services with ENS integrated; today there are over 300, including wallets like Coinbase Wallet and Trust Wallet, browsers like Brave and Opera, and dapps like Uniswap and OpenSea. With over 2 million names registered, the ENS protocol aims to become the neutral naming protocol for all of Web3.

About UTU

UTU is building the trust infrastructure of the internet to help users and platforms interact in a safer and more trustworthy way.

Starting with Web3 and DeFi apps, we provide AI-powered curation of trust signals from your network at just the right places and times to help you connect, send, swap, stake, and borrow with confidence.

UTU blockchain protocol transforms the economics of trust. You can Review-to-Earn with UTU Trust Token and monetize that trust you build with $UTU Coin. The UTU model pays you for building trust online, i.e. for helping others get good outcomes and ensures reputation can’t be bought or manipulated.

We believe in decentralization and privacy first. We are proudly based in Nairobi, Kenya with frens all over.

Learn more about us on our website, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, YouTube and LinkedIn.

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Originally published at https://utu.io on October 26, 2022.




Bridging the gap between how we trust in the real world, and how we are asked to trust online. utu.io